nl4 Ah9h lost in space! Help!

Posted 6 years ago

Player in BB this round limped JJ and limp/called 3 minbets (and a following caller) with top set on a nothing board.

Dear Santa, I have no clue how to play these games so if your elves can give me advice on general strategy and postflop tactics when nearly every hand is a family pot hugely appreciated. Not just for this hand, this is standard gamestyle on regular tables.

The raises mean nothing important btw, just button clicking.

Please try not to laugh and thanks. Smile

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem iPoker
6 Players

UTG redz83 $2.52
UTG+1 sac0 $15.94
CO B39453945 $2.23
D Mhumu $4
SBHero $4
BB lulu2727 $7.22
6$0.06Hero is SB9A
redz83 raises to $0.12, sac0 calls $0.12, 1 fold, Mhumu calls $0.12, Hero calls$0.10, lulu2727 calls $0.08
Hero checks, lulu2727 bets $0.04, redz83 calls $0.04, sac0 calls $0.04, Mhumu calls $0.04, Hero calls$0.04
Hero checks, lulu2727 bets $0.04, redz83 calls $0.04, sac0 calls $0.04, Mhumu calls $0.04, Hero raises to $0.72, lulu2727 folds, redz83 folds, sac0 folds, Mhumu folds
Final Pot$1.68

Hero wins$0.94 (net +$0.04)
sac0 lost $0.20
Mhumu lost $0.20
lulu2727 lost $0.24
redz83 lost $0.20

Last Post 6 years ago by






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Posted 6 years ago
I would have been tempted to squeeze pre, but if you are saying that these guys are all stations and if you squeeze you are still going to go 5ways to a flop with a pot that is now severely bloated and OOP for the entire hands. Not so good. Price you are getting is insane so I guess call is the way to go.

I know you are saying that they do some weird min betty stuff with nutted hands, but I don't think you can be afraid of that every hand. On the flop you have TPTK, There are some draws on that board and they are betting >10% PSB. I think you have to look at that minbet like a check and just bet 1/2 pot or something like that for value and protection. Don't think you can be letting all 4 villains be realizing their equity for that cheap. If you take it down then that is an OK result.

As far as general strats, not entirely sure. I think you need to tighten up a bit maybe, although I think you already play fairly tight. Certainly don't need to be defending on flops as wide. Not that being exploitable is something you need to really worry about in games like this, but need to remember that in multiway pots, the responsibility of defending enough is spread out across everyone, so you can certainly be folding a lot more. I think another thing to consider, especially when you are a player that is stuck somewhere in the middle of everyone is to try raising more and maybe even just play a raise or fold strategy. Raise all your strong hands and then high equity draws to balance. I definitely don't think you want to be passive when everyone else is being so passive. Not saying to just use raw aggression, but maybe being a bit more aggressive in the right spots with the right holdings would work a bit better
Posted 6 years ago
Ye most of that sounds sensible given FE is virtually zero. I'm playing something like 24/20/6 these days but versus a whole shoal of herring it's tough going. I'll get there, just have to dig around a bit more.

Thanks for the advice, will take it on board obviously. Handshake
Posted 6 years ago
Pre seems fine to me. I could also get behnid a squeeze.

Flop: Pretty easy raise here given the action. Letting so many people draw against our strong but vulnerable hand is not appealing to me. If someone has a set they will let us know about it.

Turn: Seems fine to me.
Posted 6 years ago
@fergrberger and @fawltyfelix , sometimes (often) I make a passive play on the flop like that and my spidey senses tell me it's not the best move but my bum tightens up multiway and I wimp out.

Thanks for the input, I am trying to be more positive in my play, not just more agressive, but more like playing more decisively, hence the post.

Thanks guys. Smile
Posted 6 years ago
Bear in mind there are a lot of spots where pot controlling is our friend, just this isn’t one of them. If we flip our hand to K9 and the board comes K high rather than 9 high I’d be far more inclined to take the passive line as there are substantially fewer bad cards for us. So just always keep in mind board textures, and how turns can impact the overall strength of our hand.
Posted 6 years ago*
Definitely c/r or even lead out yourself otf. LOTS of worse hands will put money in the middle: 9x, 6x, fd, sd, PP
Posted 6 years ago
ummm, looks like rest of my msg cut off? just in case....

Even if the flop was drier, say we had AT on a T62 rainbow, you still want to bump it up. These shite little minbets don't scare anyone, and a hand like 77 or 32s will only put significant money in the middle if it spikes. In other words, a 1BB flop bet is essentially a freeroll for them, and is a recipe for the "win a small pot/lose a big pot" disaster.
Posted 6 years ago*
Thank you guys and yes, completely taken on board, putting it into practise and getting less fearful doing it now. Oh and surprise, surprise, it works. Doh!
Posted 6 years ago
That turn is pretty much the only good card for you Laugh not happy with the ace of clubs and we just hate everything, lower cards make straights, higher cards devalue our hand massively, clubs obviously