NL10 KsQd

Posted 8 years ago

Anon not much info and no hud.

What would be the best move here versus a donk from what seems like a fairly reggish type.

It's tempting to raise, which would be my standard versus a donkbet, but this board is a bit drawy and villain maybe just wants to go with it, so if I get reraised here I fold.

If I flat there're lots of turn cards I don't want to see, even a K might be tricky and that even if it isn't a heart.


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB5
UTG $100BB
CO $103.5BB
DHero $100BB
SB $182.25BB
BB $174BB
5$1.5BBHero is BTNKQ
2 folds, Hero raises to 2BB, SB calls 1.5BB, 1 fold
SB bets 3BB, (Hero)?

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Seems like a pretty straight forward flat call to me. I would be of the opinion that raising is overplaying our hand for sure here and that we can profitably call down on a lot of runouts. I agree that there are a decent number of cards that you won't be thrilled to see on the turn but there are also a lot of good cards too. The most important thing here is that you have position and you going to be able to react accordingly to future streets.

Donk bets as a general rule of thumb for me are a sign of weakness, on this type of board though they can definitely be a variety of different types of hands, and draws do make up a decent chunk of them but I think you have a hand that is too weak to raise so calling is the only option. On the topic of raising donk bets, on a lot of different board textures I will be raising these bets as a bluff very frequently.
Posted 8 years ago
Read-less a call is the best play here. Don't love raising as if we get 3bet, I'm not really that happen to shove over the top or call on such a board.
Posted 8 years ago
If you don't have much info on villain then calling keeps matters simpler.

Raising TPGK just feels like we're bluffing with it. If he's doing it with trash then we're likely way ahead. If it's a draw then he has good equity anyway so still not much reason to raise him off it.
Posted 8 years ago
Vs anon that seems like a reg I'd go with a call since I expect his range to be tighter than that of a splashy fish. Some good pairs and better should be present as well as some strong draws.

If villain is loose though I think raising is good since those types of players will have all the weaker pairs like Q7s T9s in their range and won't have the ability to fold it.
Posted 8 years ago
Yes, @Turlock I need to remember to keep things simple at these limits; good plan.

At everybody, I did raise and I did get 3bet and I did fold - wp me, nh Doh!

Thank you very much. Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I also agree. Unless you have an air-tight read that the villain is super loose and passive you can't really raise this for thin value.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm curious to know where everyone draws the line between value call and value raise here vs unknown.
Posted 8 years ago
I would probably be raising KK+ here, interesting question for sure though. Definitely interested in other peoples answers here.
Posted 8 years ago
I should think I'd be raising

I'd raise these because I just think peole at this limit will call a lot of weaker hands like 2P and draws and I'd like to get some valu eout of my sets which hit fewer times.

And calling:

I think the latter are calls because if I get raised on a board like that I wouldn't know if it was a semi-bluff or value better hand so I would likely play a bit 'safe'.


Undecided about these hands on that board, if I get 3bet it sucks. I've thought a bit and would probably lean towards a call. Meh, maybe.

Posted 8 years ago
KQ is a raise. Once again we should not get too tied up regarding needing over 50% equity vs continuing range in order for raising to be correct. Regardless, we probably have over 50% equity vs continuing range here and we generate a protection element with a raise. We also help to more clearly define our opponents range (he 3bets if he has a set), while stealing the initiative and making turn and river decisions easier.

I don't think it's that close really, although I might be tempted to call some combos with the backdoor Kh instead of raise. Anyway, I would expect most players to just call, so it doesn't come as a surprise to me or anything.
Posted 8 years ago
I disagree @w34z3l, we are obviously going to have the best hand here a ton so I am not flat calling out of fear of being beaten, but if we do raise here we are not accomplishing a huge amount. We are bloating the pot on a draw heavy board which I don't think is ideal even when we have position, and we are going to be folding out a lot of worse hands that we do want to keep in the pot. I much prefer the pot control line here of just calling and keeping in villains worse hands.

To clarify, I don't think raising is bad by any stretch. It will obviously be profitable also, I'm just not convinced that it has a higher EV over calling.
Posted 8 years ago
@Komododragonjesus Until I read w34z3l's reply I would have raised my two pair combos or better versus an unknown. KK+ I'm not sure 100% and it would probably depend on my mood on the day. I still feel KK+ is way ahead way behind a lot with draws having decent equity.

That said I have been prone in the past to ignoring protection concerns, and it's obvious here that calling down three streets in the micros can get very murky when all the draws on this board miss and he fires the river. Raising the flop does avoid this problem.