100nl JJ

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

I opted to call a 3x raise BB vs MP with a mixed call/raise strategy.

Flop comes 387

Mp bets 3/4

Standard play would be to call but should a c/r he be in our armery too, for protection, balance and value?

This is all readless btw

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Posted 7 years ago
C-r should certainly be in our range against the right player type for sure for the reasons you mentioned. Readless I would go down to how aggressive the games are on your site. If I'm MP and I get c-r here, I'd be calling with all draws, 8x and 99-AA.

Love to hear other people's thoughts on this.
Posted 7 years ago
Check calling here seems superior to me. It's tricky to imagine many worse hands paying off a check raise, while the raise offers some protection for our hand it also puts us in a tricky spot if villain is ever 3bet jamming their draws here so by calling it avoids a lot of potential awkward spots where we have to make a decision for our stack vs a villain where it is hard to assign an accurate range.
Posted 7 years ago
Probably better to just call the flop in the described scenario. JJ as a x/r tends to be an overplay. Even if we somehow have over 50% equity vs villains flop calling range, we still have 2 streets left to play OOP so there is no guarantee that we even get to showdown.
Posted 7 years ago
I think it's a bit too thin to CR, but I understand your idea behind it. OOP facing large betsize on a wet board we want to end the hand as early as possible.
I don't think you are perceived to have JJ in your range, so your hand strength is somewhat hidden, so I would start check-calling and try to get in to showdown. It is going to be hard and expensive, but I think it's quite nice to have JJ in your check-calldown range (depending on the runout) to protect your toppair hands.
Posted 7 years ago
OOP I'd much rather keep my flop raising range more polarised with sets 87s and semi bluffs which lots of decent turn cards.

JJ will probably do ok equity wise but once you raise I can't see firing turn and river being good so we're going to struggle to see a showdown too often imo.