MPN NL100 A7s

Posted 6 years ago

HI guys, here is one interesting hand, what should we do on turn? i m playing NL100 on MPN i m on HJ with A7 spades, i ve opened to 3bb SB (reg) 3bets to 10bb we are 110bb deep and i called. flop is Ks 10s 3h SB bets 11bb i called. turn is 5d SB bets 25bb. call or jam?

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Posted 6 years ago*
I would have preferred to fold pre, if not that then 4!. You have one of the worst aces you can have and you're HU so there's not as much IO for making a flush.

As played, if you had a hand bigger than TP, you would have raised the flop. So he should never believe you when you ship the turn. I suppose he could have a junk hand like 44 and fold, but it's not likely. Our flop calling range is KQ, maybe a couple of AK, some hands like ATs/JTs, and draws. KQ wouldn't raise here, AK wouldn't raise here, AT wouldn't raise here...see where I'm going with this?

As to what he can have, it's TP or better most of the time, which won't fold, or a hand that completely missed like 87s and we don't need to get him to fold. Only the few times he has a baby PP is a turn raise profitable.

I think you either play this fast on the flop or not. Trying to go slow then fast on a wet board doesn't add up.
Posted 6 years ago
My my thinking process to push turn was to fold some bluffs like AJ; AQ, or even to get called like JQs or even lower flushdraw hands, a see people call with lower flushdraws even if they know it is a bad call.
Posted 6 years ago
Don't hate the preflop call in position against a reg especially. Turn I just fold, I don't think many people are barrelling for that size without something
Posted 6 years ago
i know that i barrelling in this spot