@Archinator Yeah, that's half of what I was thinking about. Other half was - what do I x/call here? Let's say my range is QQ+,99,77,AQs,QTs+,JTs,T8s,KsTs,AQo,KQo for 42 combos; Q10s, QJs I'd probably check earlier streets.
(sorry, KQs also is blue, human error)
I know villain is very value heavy here although he should be 3betting most AQ, KQ hands, he still got some of them + Q10s + QJs, I called because I know I got 12 combos of KK+ here here and what am I check/calling here? My QX dominates his QX, 1 quads that probably x/c for sure, 6 boats and 9 busted draws. If I x/f all of my KK+ I'm x/f most of the time and he can jam his J10s every time. So if check/fold 12 combos of KK+, I need ~12 combos of x/calls (and I still got 9 airs and most of them will x/folds as I don't have enough value hands to balance them if jammed).
If I jam a small range of:
(can switch AQo to 99/77 which is probably better)
I'm still left with 31 combo of which only 13 are clear x/calls. Now, if I x/call those KK that doesn't block Ks (he got Ks10s on river), I'm x/calling 16 combos and x/folding 15 so villain can't auto profit with jamming all of his bluffs. AA/KK has same strength on river, but avg villain is more likely to 3bet AQ than KQ, right? So having KK blockers are more relevant?
Range that checks: 31 combo
Anyone on board with my though process?
Or lol math lol balance I should fold majority of my river checks at NL50/NL100? NL50 and lover I suppose yes.