
Posted 7 years ago

Hi guys,

First a quick intro: What is (aka BPC)?

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We're a team of poker coaches, professionals and recreational players. Our main way of helping people is Coaching for Profits (CFP = you only pay us for coaching, if you win). We also have poker courses, and a huge library of strategy videos for our students. You can find out more about us in this thread.

We will be using this thread to share some of the strategy videos/articles and share some good stuff in general - stay tuned!

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Posted 7 years ago*
To kick of the series, here's a video on Flop strategy: When to Slowplay, and when to Fastplay.

The video below is a homework video submitted by a student on the topic of Flop Slowplay vs Fastplay.

Pay attention to how systematically the student is required to analyse each hand. This is how we train our students to think about situations at the tables.

Theory tips:


There are 5 factors to guide your decision:

Hand: How strong is it, taking the board into consideration
Board: How dry is the board? The more dry the more you can slowplay (the more drawy the board, the more turn cards could not only kill your hand, but also kill the action). See “dryness ranking” in the previous chapter!!!
Opponent: The more bluffy your opponent, the more you should slowplay
Position: In position you can afford to slowplay more than OOP as you have more power if money goes in on later streets
Stacksize: The shorter stacks are (pot stack ratio), the more you can slowplay

Weigh these 5 factors and then decide which factor is more important overall.

IMPORTANT: According to a huge sample size analysis it is the by far best default play to FASTPLAY and raise!!!

=> So only slowplay if you got decent evidence (factors above!) that a slowplay is better. There will be spots where slowplaying is better (many spots in 3b pots for example)
Posted 7 years ago
Anyone know if this is legit, seems odd paying £500 upfront!
Posted 7 years ago
As far as I know, you get your deposit back after completing your course but lose it if you drop out and you don't pay them unless you win, so the deposit covers any coaching and materials you had up to your leaving. At least that's how I perceived the information I read.
The deposit used to be larger if I recall correctly as were the amount of hours a week expected of a learner, but I've talked to a few who joined who had no complaints although I've not had part of it myself, so anecdotal obviously.

Maybe others have further insight and can inform clearer.

Posted 7 years ago
Archinator: Anyone know if this is legit, seems odd paying £500 upfront!

I signed up. A few days after signing up and paying the deposit I had my contract emailed to me to sign. Their was a clause in there that said if "Should the player end the agreement prematurely (before completing the CFP program) he has to compensate BPC for the time invested in the amount of 250 Euro per coaching hour.

I emailed support and said I wasn't happy with that clause as I was led to believe that all you would lose if you pulled out would be your deposit. The guy I emailed responded by saying just ignore the clause, we don't worry about that these days.

I was a little confused as to why they left the clause in the contract if they don't act on it.

Shame as I was looking forward to it and having purchased other BPC materials in the past, knew that the materials would be decent. Anyway, I didn't sign and have lost my deposit. You live and learn. I would have liked to have seen the contract before stumping up the deposit.

Don't let the above put you off though - you have to make your own decisions and they have some very good partners working with them in Alan Jackson and our own Weazel.
Posted 7 years ago
Yeh I dont know what to think of these guys, cause like you say they got Alan/Weasel working for them. But in my Skype groups over the years only heard bad things about these guys, and still pops up from time to time in the chat, how one of there CFP guys on his Twitch, just looked like a depressive wreck and was hating life sat in the cold in his cheap suit.
Posted 7 years ago
hmm it all seems a little over complicated and a little scammy not too sure if it'll be good value for money and it's an expensive way to find out! Might just get coaching direct
Posted 7 years ago
@TheGoodTheBadandTheUgly I would be fighting tooth and nail for that deposit back if I were you, the fact that they had not provided you with the contract of what you were signing up to first is unacceptable IMO. The clause itself is not absurd, but the fact you are not happy and never actually signed up with it should not mean you lose your deposit.
Posted 7 years ago*
It's not a scam for sure, legit training site. If you drop out early you risk losing your deposit for sure, but if you are dedicated and stick with it you will often make a decent amount of cash. I am one of the coaches there as mentioned earlier in thread (not admin or anything, I don't make the rules regarding the deposits).
Posted 7 years ago
fergrberger: @TheGoodTheBadandTheUgly I would be fighting tooth and nail for that deposit back if I were you, the fact that they had not provided you with the contract of what you were signing up to first is unacceptable IMO. The clause itself is not absurd, but the fact you are not happy and never actually signed up with it should not mean you lose your deposit.

Don't believe everything you read on the forums Smile

Our agreement/contract is and has always been public, in several places so nobody who is considering joining can miss it.

It's in the FAQ:

It's next to every "join now" button for every program, this is how it looks, for example:

It's also in other places, where the student has to actually check an empty box agreeing to it, so I find it VERY hard to believe anybody would be unaware of it when joining, and at the very least it's false to claim BPC did not show the contract.

As for the mentioned €250 penalty clause, that was in place a long time ago, I don't recall exact dates, but off the top of my head I would say 6 months+ ago. When it was not, it was removed from the contract. It's possible the user joined right in the couple of days when we were removing it, and it was still left in some places, and was thus told don't worry about it, we will change it.

That anybody would leave the program and leave the deposit behind instead of waiting to receive the new PDF without this clause is, well, hard to believe.

I don't know the exact case, but these are the facts. So again, don't believe everything you read on the forums. Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks Adam for chiming in, as said we are legit, and have coaches like:

- Adam, Alan Jackson, Era7er (Runitonce), Asimos (you may know him from Pokerstrategy)
- KasionoKrime (WSOP gold bracelet)
- bencb789 (just won the super highroller on Pokerstars for $1,172,461, beating Fedor Holz heads-up)

We try to keep everything we do as transparent as possible, we even publish our internal monthly rankings on our site so you can see the good, the bad, and the ugly, students' results live as they happen.

We have the longest-standing (5 years and counting) and best rated coaching thread on 2+2 .

I realize many guys may not know us, so I think giving some background will help clear things up. If you have any questions, just shoot, we're glad to answer anything.
Posted 7 years ago
Quick screenshot, these are current Top 3 in the program, after 20 days of september:

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Posted 7 years ago
fergrberger: @TheGoodTheBadandTheUgly I would be fighting tooth and nail for that deposit back if I were you, the fact that they had not provided you with the contract of what you were signing up to first is unacceptable IMO. The clause itself is not absurd, but the fact you are not happy and never actually signed up with it should not mean you lose your deposit.

Don't believe everything you read on the forums Smile

Our agreement/contract is and has always been public, in several places so nobody who is considering joining can miss it.

It's in the FAQ:

It's next to every "join now" button for every program, this is how it looks, for example:

It's also in other places, where the student has to actually check an empty box agreeing to it, so I find it VERY hard to believe anybody would be unaware of it when joining, and at the very least it's false to claim BPC did not show the contract.

As for the mentioned €250 penalty clause, that was in place a long time ago, I don't recall exact dates, but off the top of my head I would say 6 months+ ago. When it was not, it was removed from the contract. It's possible the user joined right in the couple of days when we were removing it, and it was still left in some places, and was thus told don't worry about it, we will change it.

That anybody would leave the program and leave the deposit behind instead of waiting to receive the new PDF without this clause is, well, hard to believe.

I don't know the exact case, but these are the facts. So again, don't believe everything you read on the forums. :)

"Don't believe everything you read on the forums"

That is a bit of an unfair comment to make given that absolutely everything in my post was true. I have no need to come on here and lie about it and in any case, the proof is in the communications between myself and you guys.

The contract was sent to me in early July. That was two months ago. I had already seen a sample contract which is on the site which did not have the clause.

I did all the steps asked of me (apart from the one which says "Do not ask questions" I suppose!) including signing up for all the poker sites and linking the to my CFP account. This was the exact reply I recieved from support when I questioned the E250 per hour clause:

Hi , we don't charge if you end the agreement prematurely anymore, and we also updated the contracts to 5k for micro and 30k for crusher, so don't worry about it.

Best Regards,
BPC Support Team

You can PM me if you want details of the exact case, but those are the facts. Although it says in the email above that the contracts were updated, that wasn't the case - my contract still had the clause in it and I wasn't going to sign the contract whilst that clause remained, it was way too much of a risk.

Posted 7 years ago*
Sorry, I just find it hard to believe that you were told by support "don't worry, this clause doesn't apply, it's a bug", and you did NOT ask for it to be removed from the PDF, but rather decided to simply forfeit the €500 deposit, and forget about the coaching program you wanted to join. When it would have taken you 1 email, and support already told you that you that it was a bug?

Anyways, let's not debate the "he said, she said". Write to and explain the situation. Please include all proof (previous emails you might have sent to support). If what you say is true, you will of course get immediate access to everything, as such a flaw in communication from either side should not result in you losing the deposit, and moreover the right to get coached and reach your goals with us.

In short, write to the email above, we will fix it.

By the way, which program did you want to join?
Posted 7 years ago
Nice to see a resolution in sight.

As for believing things, I was just offering advice on the assumption that everything stated was accurate. It's not something that's going to impact me either way whether it's true or not so there's no point in me going in me questioning it!

Really happy to see a professional, and accommodating response though Smile
Posted 7 years ago*
fergrberger: Nice to see a resolution in sight.

As for believing things, I was just offering advice on the assumption that everything stated was accurate. It's not something that's going to impact me either way whether it's true or not so there's no point in me going in me questioning it!

Really happy to see a professional, and accommodating response though :)

I think every other decent human being thinks exactly the same way like you so it's totally fine what you said. I would have used stronger language than tooth and nails lol.

Sometimes as a business owner i think we're entitled to more benefit of the doubt with such a long history, credibility and happy clients. But then again, you have to earn the trust every day and can never rest on past successes.

user Bestpokercoachign was nice enough not to mention me as a Coach. I think we need to renegotiate salaries Wink
Posted 7 years ago
Today we're sharing a turn strategy video.

We like to split poker strategy by street, and then into further subchapters/topics. I would suggest anybody to approach studying poker in this way, at least while you're still mastering the game.

You isolate one spot, and get really good at it. Then you move on to the next spot, and so on. Step-by-step.

Playing the turn well is the most difficult part of a hand for many players.

That's why we dedicated a lot of chapters to turn play in our custom-made courses for our students, and cover any possible scenario topic by topic.The video below is taken from the turn chapter Vs Turn bet - Raise or Fold (aka BLUFFING). It is a homework submitted by a student, and reviewed by BPC's head coach Gordon.

>> HOW TO BLUFF-RAISE THE TURN (click here to watch the video)

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The main factor: Villain has a high fold to raise stat (cbet flop and turn and then fold to raise… the stat has to be EXACT!!!). If your opponent does not have a high fold to raise stat, then you should check if he has very high barreling stats (>65% flop and >60% turn) + ideally a wide range due to preflop positions.

=> Raise with hands you would otherwise fold, but that have some equity (gutshots for example)

=> Raise weaker draws that are closer to a fold. You can raise even stronger draws, just make sure you don’t “overdo” it so your opponent stays exploitable

=> Raising with hands even like 2ndpair or 3rd pairs (especially if they are low ones) might make sense if your opponent is a frequent 3barrel guy (but make sure he is folding to a raise!!!)

>> HOW TO BLUFF-RAISE THE TURN (click here to watch the video)
Posted 7 years ago
A few quick tips for beginners - why it's important to have a plan.
Posted 7 years ago
How to learn poker strategy EFFICIENTLY:

Posted 7 years ago
This is a coaching session, Gordon coaching HansTheGreat. This is actually one of the sessions they had on Hans' way from NL2 and $50, to $100k. Yup, Hans turned $50 into $100k in our coaching program (Today, that original $50 is already close to $500,000 which is just unbelievable! $474k last time I checked, to be precse - if you wanna follow Hans' progress, he still makes regular updates here: LINK.