PLO 10

Posted 7 years ago

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I tanked on the turn here for some time. Villain can have some combos of TT 99 T9 and 78 but to the turn shove over the preflop limp call and then flop check raise I thought they were quite likely to have some kind of QJTx type hand and ended up calling.

I was pretty happy with the call but results aside it may have been a spot where I should respect the play and fold. I think if I call here 100% of the time I will be losing a lot of $s.

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago*
If you have read on him then I guess it fine. Sometimes you have to play the player Smile But if he is unknown then I just fold. Also I tend to check back this flop since there are so many nice turns for your hand. And with 0.85$ bet they are not makning mistake by calling with draws and we are opening ourself to C/R.
Posted 7 years ago
I think I would prefer to get it in on the flop if we're calling once raised, he isn't messing about with the flop raise. What turn card are you hoping for knowing he has less than a pot bet behind?
Posted 7 years ago
Do I misread something? We have top and bottom 2 pairs with no draws and we get raised on T96r flop. Readless that is a fold to me, as it's hard to give him a range that we want to stack off against. And calling doesn't really achieve much.