NL10 98s

Posted 6 years ago

Stats batyo76 (63 hands): VP 22; PFR: 17; 3bet 12 ( 1 of 8 in SB)

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem iPoker
5 Players

UTG ZEHZAO91 $10.15
CO janti66 $20.81
DHero $13.21
SB batyo76 $10.13
BB KaIIycTamd $10
5$0.15Hero is BTN98
1 fold, janti66 raises to $0.30, Hero calls$0.30, batyo76 raises to $1.40, 1 fold, janti66 folds, Hero calls$1.10
batyo76 bets $1.92, Hero raises to $10.40, batyo76 goes all-in $6.81
2$22.38, 1 all-in 3
2$22.38, 1 all-in 5
Final Pot$20.96
Hero shows 98
batyo76 shows KK

batyo76 wins $19.29 (net +$9.16)
Hero collects$1.67 (net -$10.13)
janti66 lost $0.30

Last Post 6 years ago by






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Posted 6 years ago
Hate it all. Not a fan of the flat with 89, rather 3-bet or fold. If we 3b and SB raises we can easily fold.

Villain is never folding the flop so it comes down to if you want to purely gamble
Posted 6 years ago
I agree with 3bet instead of flat pre. The flop I would flat IP and try and play some poker. Dont think you will have lots of FE on this flop since you rep super narrow for value. Also you will have lots of better hands with more EQ that you can jam as bluff.
Posted 6 years ago
98s on the Button if played should be a 3bet. You cap your range to much and give SB and BB too much incentive to squeeze if you just call. Especially if you know that you have an agressive player in the Blinds.

As played I dont mind the call of the 3bet. He is very agressiv and has lots of air in his 3bet range too. If you call you should have a plan what to do on the later streets. You flop a mediocre draw. You have about 30% equity in this situation. Unfortunatly there is no diamond in the flop, so no chance of a flush. In order to be profitable you need to have about 20% FE if you shove on the flop.

As played you only fold out worse hands. From villains perspective you only can have TT as a made hand that beats him (4 combos) everything else are draws. AA is not really of concern because after the squeeze you would 4bet. and he beats weirdly played JJ and QQ. regarding the draws he is only behind 89c... which now make 5 combos he is losing against. you have sooo many draws and bluffs where he is ahead (from some % too way ahead) so why should he ever fold here.

you have only 38% on the flop, so a clear fold on the flop
Posted 6 years ago*
Thank you all for the feedback. I guess I really need to work on those 3bet ranges. To be honest I do not have a fixed set. Any advise where/how I can get 3bet ranges for positions? Do think that ranges of the PreFlop Advisor from PokerSnowie are applicable at NL10?

Regarding the hand:
I found it interesting that all three said that I have no FE when shoving on he flop. What do you assume as villains squeeze/flop CB range? And what portion of that range would fire on the flop? and which portion of that would call a shove?
I would think that it might be wider than TT+,AQs+,AQo+ . But taking this range, do you think villian would bet with all AK, only those with BDFD or only his pairs?Villain had a Cbet stat of 75% (on 63 hands, so not very reliant).

preflopAdvisor suggests the following SB squeezing range:
Pairs+, BDFD + BDSD would be 93%. Would villain bet all and continue on a shove?

Would it have made difference if CO would have folded and I would have OR with the same hand?
Posted 6 years ago
Regarding your first question: If you really want to strenghten your play I would suggest to take your time and construct those ranges yourself. Get something like pokerranger and work through every position. You will start to understand why you play certain hands in certain situation and not just follow blindly some internet preflop charts.
I played poker for 6 month until I started to do this and my winrate skyrocketed. If you need help just PM me.

Of course there is fold equity. and of course you were unlucky to run against KK. There are lots of spots where you will take down the pot. I only think that over the long run you will lose more often than you will win (you risk 10 to win 5 so you have to be successfull more that 2 out of 3 times to be profitable) There are just better spots to bluff and your move looked very bluffy... would you really go AI on the flop with a set of tens? so every Ahigh would be nearly always ahead of you and could at least consider to bluff catch

In this specific spot it would not make a difference to be the preflop raiser. When you are flatting a raise you say that you have a nice hand and calling IP is profitable but you are not strong enough to 3bet. Therefore Villain can reduce AQ+ and JJ+ (`depending on your playstyle even more hands) from your range. Here it is irrelevant because KK will always call.