Posted 8 years ago

Villain playing pretty loose with a high FT3B over a small sample... I have seen him call and not 4bet shove AK before... as he's in position, it could still be a part of his range

Villain calls PF 3bet... as he's in position, AK could still be a part of his range. I opt to check / call on this dry flop to keep his range as wide as I can to hopefully get paid off on later streets. I also don't want to bloat the pot. Thoughts?

After he bets flop and fires turn, I'm pretty much committed if I call turn bet... Shove or fold spot or can we call another street? He only has a half pot bet left on the river if I call.... Can we find a fold? =/

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem 888
5 Players

UTG Yodaskill $11.90
CO Enl1ghtened $11.73
D Tengu23 $6.32
SBHero $19.65
BB zxcv499 $10
5$0.15Hero is SBAQ
Yodaskill raises to $0.30, 1 fold, Tengu23 calls $0.30, Hero raises to $1.20, 1 fold, Yodaskill calls $0.90, Tengu23 folds
Hero checks, Yodaskill bets $1.45, Hero calls$1.45
Hero checks, Yodaskill bets $3.10, Hero ???

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
If you decide to check this flop then calling turn is probably mandatory. You're under repped your hand. He probably doesn't have much worse for value though he can have chops but he can bluff if he expects you to have KK- here and thinks you'll fold it. Since I don't think he valuebets worse I don't think shoving will be great. The hands you're ahead of probably have 4 outs at most and you rarely get called by worse.
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for response @Komododragonjesus! If we call turn, are we folding or calling to 1/2 pot shove on blank river?
Posted 8 years ago
"as he's in position, it could still be a part of his range" oops! repeated this in the original post! Copy and paste n00b
Posted 8 years ago
colly191091: Thanks for response @Komododragonjesus! If we call turn, are we folding or calling to 1/2 pot shove on blank river?

Yeah that would be a meh spot. I'd lean towards a call though your average 10NL player might be too passive for that to be profitable. Someone who's down in the trenches at 10NL might be able to shine a little more light on that. From experience, I've had so many hilarious hands where I check in this exact spot and villain triple barrels with like 98s or an underpair though that's super player dependent.
Posted 8 years ago
Probably a calldown in theory, but taking into account 10nl dynamics, even the turn spot is pretty close. He is not bluffing, and the Jack on the board means he is not value-betting worse. Generally we'd try to call two and fold river but turn size is large enough that it's probably reasonable to make hero fold on the turn.
Posted 8 years ago
Turn spot is grim.

Even though we're under repping villain shouldn't be expected to be bluffing to take us off a decent pocket pair at these stakes.

I think it's more likely that he slows down on the turn with weak Ax or second pair type hands otherwise we're just beat.With his high F3B% and him being OOP I'd be looking at folding.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm a total nit so I'd fold the turn if I was on my game. Something the @w34z3l called me on, is overvaluing TPGK in triple barrel spots. Given sizings the triple barrel doesn't really matter the decision is here. I don't think I'd call at NL10. Maybe at higher stakes he could put you on weak A and feel he can move you off it with triple barrel but at NL10 I think they have 2 pair+ way too much when they decide to be aggressive on more than one street vs a good deal of strength from you in preflop line and flat on the flop. You basically always have at least an A, and he is acting like that doesn't matter. I think here he would have given up on the turn with air, or overbet jammed to try and buy it.