Overpair vs LAG Fsih in tough spots

Posted 7 years ago

A bit of context. This player was playing 44/23/10% 3bet over around 75 hands

$0.02/$0.04 No Limit Holdem/4PLAYERS /Prima

I often find myself struggling in these sort of spots; do I easily fold here, or accept the cooler, call it off and move on?


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Posted 7 years ago
If you've seen them overplay top pair hands I think your line is fine, but typically I expect fish to two up with 2 pair or better on the turn. I think your flop and turn bets were perfect, I would most likely be calling the turn raise and check-deciding the river. Don't like shoving turn because I don't think we get it in ahead that much. 44vpip has several two pair combos in their range along with sets.
Posted 7 years ago
Flop and turn bets are fine. Usually a bet/fold on the turn however without a more concrete read. Maybe the guys fishy but we need to know whether he would ever raise top-pair on the turn like this, a lot of guys won't, which means we are going to run into sets or 2-pair too often for continuing vs the turn raise with 1-pair to be profitable.
Posted 7 years ago
Not a fan of the turn shove. Mostly we expect players to have two pair or better when they take this line, or it's air which won't call anyway. With the player pool being so large for these stakes it's really tough to get a solid read that villain is bluffing here often enough or overvaluing a worse hand. Calling down would be a better choice than reraising the turn to at least allow him to continue bluffing.