Posted 8 years ago

Thanks for you post, sorry for the big delays.

VIP PFR look on the loose/aggressive side, but this is by no means a problem.

We are opening too much from EP and MP more than likely. Probably good to consult some starting ranges. We should have around 13-14% rfi from UTG and around 18% rfi from MP. Late position opening frequency seems fine

3bet by position is reasonable, although I'd probably do a little tweaking. There is no reason why MP and CO should be the same 3bet frequency. CO should be closer to 6%. BTN should be in the 8% region and is a shade on the low side. BB 3bet is fine. SB 3bet is too aggressive imo. Doesn't really want to be much above 8-9%. It might be that you are attempting 3bet only strategy, but 3betting so aggressively from the SB doesn't usually turn out that well at the lower limits. Might still make it profitable, but you'll face a lot of tougher situations.

Cold-call is fine overall. Looks ok by position also. Again, interesting how MP and CO seem virtually the same. It shouldn't be quite like this.

Fold to 3bet, reasonable. It depends what your winrate is when you defend. So we don't know for certain from a stat whether a good strategy is being employed.

Flop cbet is too low. Should be around 65% overall at these limits. Notice how your cbet stats are ascending by street. The opposite should usually happen. So Flop 65, Turn 52, River 44, something like this. If you head over to the cbet success report, it should be straight-forward to figure out why cbetting aggressively in these games is important.

Fold to cbet stats look reasonable. River fold to cbet looks a shade low and should typically be around 60%. So next place to logically look would be river-call-efficiency which should be at least 1.4 but is actually 1.17. So good chance that we are losing money with some river calls.

Flop raise cbet is pretty reasonable at 9.38% but should ideally be around 15% overall, so there are likely additional situations where we can raise flop.

4bet range is 3.94, which is theoretically an ok value, but may occasionally indicate that we are 4bet buffing too much at low limit games where players don't typically 3bet as aggressively as they should.

Bet flop turn and river vs skipped cbet are way too low. Check out the 2 part series on bluffing (intermediate/advanced)
So are turn and river probes. Despite having a good winrate overall, you are literally just leaving money on the table here.
Delayed turn cbet also too low.

It's good that you defend your checking range as the PFR. This won't be super important just yet, but nice to get into some good habits for the higher limits. If anything we should be attempting to x/r more as the PFR and x/c less as a result.

Probably most important areas to start out with are

- Cbetting strategy, understanding when and where we can cbet more aggressively. (See the three part written series here on advanced cbetting)
- Checking to see why river-call-efficiency is low and identifying situations where we are making bad calls
- Betting more aggressively in auto-profit spots.
Posted 8 years ago

Thanks for your post, sorry for the delays.

Opening too wide in EP and MP. Should be 13% and 18% respectively as opposed to 19% and 21%. CO BTN and SB are fine.

Overall cold-call of 14% is reasonable, although there are a few issues when we break it down by position. BB CC is 21% and should be around 26%, so we are under-defending our BB. MP and CO cold-call are significantly too high at 11 and 12%. They should be 6% and 8% respectively. It would be a good idea to search the site for some cold-calling ranges.

Cbet Flop frequency is reasonable, although a little low. Another problem here is that our cbet frequency is the same IP and OOP which it shouldn't be. It should be significantly higher in position and significantly lower OOP. Check out the 3-part written articles on advanced cbetting. This area needs some work.

Turn and river barreling frequencies are also high, we should make sure we are only barreling the turn with some sort of equity.

Fold to cbet stats on the flop and turn are reasonable, although there is a good chance that we are caling the river waaay too muh. We'd ideally next go to the river-call-efficiency stat. If it's below 1.4 then we have a clear problem with river calls. Might be a good idea to check out the video series here "hero folding at the micros" to see examples of river situations where we can make pretty big laydowns.

When facing 3bets it seems as if we are calling way too frequently, It's extremely unlikely that such a wide range will be supportable, and there is a very good chance we are losing money here. Currently we are folding around 47.6% of the time to a 3bet, and we should in fact be folding more like 60%, especially at low limit games. It's also a little odd that we are currently folding more to 3bets when we are IP and continuing more frequently OOP - this doesnt' make a lot of sense.

So here are the most important things to work on right now --->

1. Fix opening ranges
2. Solve river-call issue
3. Fold more when facing 3bets
4. Work on cold-calling ranges
5. Work on cbetting and barreling strategy.

Posted 8 years ago
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Hey man hopefully you can see why my blue line is so bad!


Posted 8 years ago

We are missing a few important stats which were mentioned in the OP. We'll work with what we have got though.

VPIP/PFR are fine.

3bet preflop is ok overall, but doesn't look super great by position. BB 3bet is very low. There is a good chance we are missing good bluff 3bet spots in the BB vs SB situation, so might be worth filtering for. BTN overall 3bet is around 5.82% and should ideally be in the 8-10% range. So probably a good idea to work on 3betting ranges from BTN and BB.

Fold to flop and turn cbets are reasonable, although we are slightly overfolding the flop. This is not a significant issue in lower limit games however. The thing that really stands out here is the fold to river cbet stat. This is around 37.21% and should be closer to 60%. There is a pretty good chance we are maing some very bad river calls, which would explain the negative blue line in part. Probs a good idea to check out the video at pokerVIP "hero folding at the micros".

Fold to 3bet is reasonable, although it should be the same (around 60%) in all positions. I wouldn't be surprised to find that we were calling 3bets too wide after opening in MP and UTG upon closer analysis.

Call PF 2bet (otherwise known as preflop cold-call), looks reasonable overall, but when analysed by position we can see that there are a number of problems. Notice first that MP/CO/BTN cold-call are almost identical. There is no way that they should be like this and we need to increase our positional understanding/awareness. MP should maybe be around 6-7%, CO 8-9%, BTN maybe 12% or so. The second issue is that we are slightly underdefending our BB. 22.52% might seem like a high cold-call frequency from the BB but it should actually be more like 26%. Cold-calling ranges need quite a bit of work in general.

Final issue is that there is a good chance that we are missing a bunch of good bluff spots. Cbet flop frequency is around 45.57% and should be ore like 65%. We are missing a whole bunch of cbet opportunities.

Anyway, the issues I would address immediately are -

1) Sort out river call issue and watch the vid on hero folding
2) Read the 3part written article series on cbetting. (Advanced Cbetting 1,2,3)
3) Use the written articles to help you construct better cold-calling ranges

Posted 8 years ago
Cheers Adam!! Will get to work
Posted 8 years ago
Hi coach, I know, I know, I'm a nit. Blush
I would appreciate your advice on these numbers just the same,my game seems to have gone A.W.O.L.

No delayed cbet stuff in PT4 unfortunately and the images don't seem to like posting any larger., but I hope I included the rest.
Thanks. Smile

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Posted 8 years ago*

Well the good news is that you are winning! It's also a style where you can play a large amount of tables, so it really depends on where you want to go with it. You might not maximise your winrate, but you might maximise hourly in some cases if you can play a bunch of tables.

VPIP/PFR, little tight as you mentioned. I think a lot of the changes that need to be made are going to revolve around understanding where you can loosen up in late position. BTN an SB steals are on the low side + we hardly ever 3bet, especially from the important places like the BTN.

Fold to 3bet; mostly fine. Although given that you open pretty tight in the first place you are probably slightly overfolding to 3bets.

CC is overall too tight at 10.69%. Winning 6-max regs usually have somewhere between 12 and 13%. Especially problematic will be the BB here. Cold-call from BB is around 17% and should be closer to 26%. The other positions actually look reasonable. Your stats do show some indication of positional awareness, but you are hesitant to expand your range in spots even if you know that it might be +EV

Cbet F --- Nearly fell off my desk-chair here. This should be a lot more aggressive. You are leaving a bunch of money on the table by not understanding which spots you should be cbetting in. Maybe start with the written articles here - 3part series on advanced cbetting. Your cbet F,T,R actually increase the later the street - it should usually be the opposite.

Fold to flop Cbet - 63.58%. We are significantly overfolding against cbets. It is extremely easy for our opponents to just bet any 2 cards every time against us and it will be insanely profitable. Work needs to be done on floating and raising vs flop cbets.

Float F,T,R - All of these are too low. You are missing out on a bunch of automatic-profit spots where little to no skill is required to take down the pot. Check out the 2 part vid series here on pokerVIP - part 1 - intermediate bluff spots, part 2 - advanced bluff spots. Probe T, R, are also significantly too low and are covered by the same videos.

So yeah, the most important areas

- expanding defending ranges in LP
- cbetting more aggressively
- understanding auto-profit spots

There is a lot more than this that you need to work on, but these areas are probably the biggest, so it makes sense to start with these.
Posted 8 years ago
Thank you very much yet again sir, really relevant advice as ever. I'm on it today.
Posted 7 years ago

Please review my stats.
I used to be a regular on NL100 fullring on year 2010 and now im back playing 6max on NL25-NL50 but results are no good on NL50.


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By Stakes:

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Over 120k hands.

Posted 7 years ago
I forgot to put RFI stats;
SB: 50,5
BB: na
EP: 16,1
MP: 20,1
CO: 31,1
BTN: 49,1
Posted 7 years ago

RFI from EP,MP,CO all look a shade high. I would consult some open-raising charts and see what is going on. Normally EP = 13, MP = 18 and CO = 26-28.

3bet, probably over-aggressive from the blinds. 8% 3bet is fine from each blind, maybe a shade higher from SB. The problem is 3betting IP here. You are actually 3betting more from the CO right now than you are on the BTN. The CO 3betting frequency is actually fine, it just means that you need to work on your BTN 3betting strategies. Should be 8-10% BTN 3bet overall.

CC is a shade high at 13.1%. The main problem occurs positionally. The numbers are all over the place here; it implies you are not really that sure what you are doing with your current CC strategy. Firstly BB and SB CC are way too similar. SB and BB are extremely different positions at the table and it is important that our CC strategy reflects that. CC from the BB should be 26% (currently 18.3%) and CC from the SB should be around 6-7% (currently 10.4%). In other words, calling way too much from the SB and not nearly enough from the BB. BTN CC is reasonable, but MP and CO cold-call are likely too wide. It's very unlikely that we can profitably CC a 9.78% range from MP against a UTG open. Pretty good chance we are leaking money here overall. Entire cold-calling strategy needs a big revamp.

Vs 3bet fold is 62% which is fine. We don't expect to see you folding less when opening from EP, so there is a possibility you are calling 3bets too wide after opening from this position. (Especially given that you are probably open-raising too wide anyway).

Flop cbet frequency looks fine, although it appears that we are not second-barreling aggressively enough on the turn. We would expect to see around 52% turn cbet (currently 46.2%)

Flop and turn fold to cbet stats are reasonable, but fold to river cbet is way too low at 45%. Pretty good chance you are making some bad river calls. Next place to check would be river call efficiency stat. It's currently 1.2 and should be between 1.4-1.6. Definitely some kind of problem here with river strategy.

Betting IP vs skipped cbet needs to be done more on both the flop and turn.

Delayed cbetting needs to be done way more

Probably the same story for OOP bet-vs-missed-cbets although we don't have the stats for this as far as I can tell.
So basically you are missing a bunch of really important bluff spots.

I think the logical place to start here is simply to get your preflop game wired correctly, especially cold-calling in general and 3betting from the BTN.
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Adam! Thanks for doing this, it's an absolutely awesome service to be providing for free! Had to post my stats in two seperate screenshots due to screen limitations, hope that's okay. I know my sample isn't massive; I've only been playing at BWin for a few months, and this database is hands from there.

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Posted 7 years ago
Missed your post FireLeper, will get to you soon =)
Posted 7 years ago

RFI stats look reasonable, CO is probably overly aggressive with 32.1% RFI. Probs a good idea to consult some ranges since average values are typically 26-28% for this.

3bet is ok-ish, but currently missing 3bets from the BTN, SB, and to a smaller extent the CO. BTN is the most profitable spot at the table to 3bet so we typically like to see the value for BTN 3bet in the 8-10% region.

CC is on the tight side at 10.8%. Most of this is down to the big-blind which is 19.2% instead of the recommended 26%. Probably not quite cold-calling enough on the BTN either, although the rest of the positions look reasonable.

vs 3bet fold look sreasonable overall, but there is a possible trend towards folding more often to 3bets in late position and less often to 3bets in early. Ideally the numbers should be roughly similar across the board, barring SB which is allowed to be slightly higher. I would imagine there is a chance you are defending too wide vs 3bets after opening from UTG/MP.

Folding too much to flop cbets and and not enough to river cbets. River call efficiency is also on the low side which usually indicates that you are making one or two bad river calls.

Cbet F frequency not aggressive enough. Likely missing some good cbetting spots. It's usually worth breaking it down into IP and OOP and analysing the respective frequencies there. Remember that IP cbet on Flop should be much higher than OOP.

Bet Flop/Turn/River IP vs skipped cbet

45, 38, and 39. Way too low! This is also why WWSF is around 43.7%. Missing a bunch of spots to pick up easy pots here.

Bet Turn and River OOP vs skipped (probe bets).

40 and 45

Again, way too low, leaving a bunch of money on the table.

Delayed cbets IP and OOP

33.8, 38.9

These should be in the 80%+ region. Basically there are some really significant ways that you can improve currently.

Hope it helps!

Posted 7 years ago
Thanks for doing this w34z3l.

As mentioned by other people previously this is a great service you are providing.

Looking forward to your advice and how I can improve my game.

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Posted 7 years ago
@pokergaz Hey, thanks for the post.

VPIP/PFR seem fine for FR player.

3bet can be a shade higher. Notice how your blind 3bet numbers are reaching almost 5%. This tells me that you are not uncomfortable with 3betting reasonably light. This means there is pretty much no reason why your BTN 3bet frequency would only be 3.5%. See if you can find some ways to boost BTN 3bet aggression.

I don't have a problem with RFI frequencies, but you are probably overdefending vs 3bets. Actually folding frequency on BTN and CO is fine at around the 60% mark. There is not a great reason for SB and EP fold-to-3bet stats to be so low (around 35%). So SB and EP/MP defending vs 3bet ranges need some work.

CC seems ok. SB is being defended too wide probably at 7.21%. Should be a percent or two tighter. And BB CC defense at 14 can probably be pushed more towards the 18% side of things.

Cbetting strategy seems reasonable. The only way to analyse this further through stats is to break it down into IP and OOP. Remember that IP should be noticeably more aggressive than OOP cbetting. Turn and river seem reasonable, although we would normally expect turn barrel around 52% (might be missing some), and then river cbet around 44%.

Ok defending vs cbets. There is something going wrong here, possibly quite seriously. Flop and turn fold are fine. But river fold to cbet at 29.6% is completely off the mark. That should be closer to 60% for FR games. Then when we check out your river-call-efficiency we see a value of 1.16 where we should see a value of 1.4-1.6. In other words there is a very good chance that you are making some bad river calls. Might be a good idea to check out the two part series here at pokerVIP, hero folding at the micros.

Final big area is the autoprofit spots. You are not betting anywhere near aggressively enough on each street vs missed cbets. Delayed cbet frequencies are super low. (Btw Bet turn vs skipped cbet and Bet river vs skipped Cbet are not quite the right stats. It needs to be specifically IP instead, not overall)

Ok basically there is another two part series which will help you to fix this. Part one is called intermediate bluffing spots, part two is called advanced bluffing spots. That's 4 vids in total mentioned here. Watch them all and your game will be in better shape.

Anyway good job, nice graph.
Posted 7 years ago*
Hi w34z3l! Thank you for doing this!

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It is nl20 @ ipoker.
Can you tell me in which spots should I improve? TY
Posted 6 years ago
@w34z3l, I know this is an old thread but as my frustration rises @AshVIP was so kind and referred me here.

After a very good start I really really struggle atm and dont know what to do.

Winning graph:
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I am very unhappy with my red line obviously. For the last 15k though I am not able to generate showdown-winnings. So I really nead an over all review of my stats. I tried to include all stats you mentioned in your 1st post. Unfortunatly I was not able to find "fold to delayed CB".

I would really really appreciate your help and hope you can look over my stats
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Many thanks in advance!!