25 PLO ways to approach flopping trips.

Posted 8 years ago

6 max PLO.

MP has limped. Button opens for 4x ($1). I elect to call Ah9hJxTx from SB.

Button is VPIP 37% PFR 22% and Steal 60% (50 hands). I call here as I feel this is a "pulling" hand and benefits from having more players in the pot so I can over nut the weaker draws they will flop and the made hands they will continue with. (78Txxh I have a huge free roll, JJ3, J74xxh, J83xhh etc. etc.)

The BB calls and the limper calls. BB is 76 0 0 with an AF of 1.8 (21 hands) and limper is 29 13 20 6 (24 hands)(VPIP PFR ST AF)

Board is AA6xss. I start the hand 120bb deep. I check and BB pots it. BB has me covered. The limper and button fold.

Question here is we are out of position, relatively deep in relation to the pot, and have what looks to be a good hand. When he pots here his range is all sorts of AXXX, some A6xx, AKxx, AQxx, and so on as well as some possible 66xx. The question is how to best proceed with flopped non-nut trips out of position.

I am wondering if it is better to check pot and get it in to avoid spots where we are often playing AJxx out of position to someone who is likely to keep betting their trips. Is it better to do this and just get the money in to avoid difficult spots on turns and rivers and keep them in with a run of aces we dominate, or do we revert to check calling hoping to fill our hand by making our kickers.

As played I elected to check and call the flop, then check the turn and he potted again on AA67xssx where I now had a SPR of 2.15 ... Can I profitably check jam this turn now? Should I just call and then check and call rivers and hope he is playing ATxx?

Out of position fun times lol

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Posted 8 years ago*
I would check and then call if someone bets. BB and limper are passive players so they won't probably make a bluff there but BTN most likely makes a cbet. Now when BB pots, his range is A+. You have 3 over cards to 6, so I would call. If you don't hit the turn, then check. If he has worse Ace, he checks behind. If he pots the turn, then you have to fold as you are most likely drawing 9 outer.
Posted 8 years ago
Can we get bluffed often enough by worse AXXX here if we are check folding to turn bets of pot or close to? Players who do not hand read well are likely to look at spades on the flop and over-assign our range with flush draws so they pot or bet big because they do not want to get outdrawn by Axxx with spades or Axxx with kickers. AJT9 is decent here.

How often can we get bluffed here by someone who doesn't know they are bluffing in a spot where we fold a reasonable equity edge versus we just try to get it in on the flop so we can be all in on the turn if they call, or call if they re-pot flop? If your experience here is that the bulk of players are potting the turn with bigger aces and made full houses and we should fold I will defer to that line of thinking. My database is corrupted so I can't look up hands of this nature to see what people are generally showing up with in these spots.
Posted 8 years ago*
Villain is 76/0 so his pot bet is always for value. But if he has ATxx without 6 or 7, I think he would slow down as he might be afraid of better Ace of full house.

If opponent calls preflop with 80% range and his flop range is A, 66 he has full house 46% of times on the turn. AK, AQ is 31%, AJ 7% and weaker Ace 16% of times.

Once he bets the turn, I would assume that you have 9 outs against him. Then it becomes just mathematical problem where his sizing and implied odds tells us if we can call or not.