PLO blocker jam

Posted 7 years ago

Ok, so I pot open, both blinds call. I cbet flop 70%, only SB call.

Turn, I bet turn 60% with intention to x/back blanks and immediately ask myself "what the fuck am I betting this small with from my value range?" Any comments on turn bet, sizing and plan to x/b river?

River he leads 1/2, so most likely some flush or mayyybe blocker bet from straight as he has no sets in his range. I go for bluff jam with Ac with him needing to call 80bb more. Is this the right move?

(ignore the lol stakes plz)

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Posted 7 years ago
While "bet/fold two streets" is a fine gameplan for this kind of spot, by the river everything gets there and having a blocker for backdoor nuts isn't really that relevant. I'd be folding on the river.
Posted 7 years ago
Good river jam if players at these stakes can bet/fold smaller flushes (I have no idea if they do though). I wouldn't be betting the turn without a plan to bluff river clubs.
Posted 7 years ago
I think check back turn and raise flush rivers is fine play. Turn hits his range well and I dont expect many folds at all. And we dont push much EQ vs his calling range. Also expect to get c/r tons here. We have both nutflush blockers and we could check either of them if we had them (the flushdraws).

So plan for me is to get to SD with AA or maybe bluff some flush rivers if he bet.

As played I agree with @redrooski24
Posted 7 years ago
Looks legit to me and exactly what we should be doing. The sizing is perfect for this also
Posted 7 years ago
Is bluffing the nut flush blocker standard at these stakes? Maybe at $10 or $25 I would feel comfortable doing it but here I'd say you're playing with fire.

I do like the plan of value betting twice then checking behind on the river though. Checking the turn feels a little awkward when we expect most guys at these stakes to call too wide in general.
Posted 7 years ago
Posted 7 years ago*
'Ignore the stakes' is a wrong mindset. A good poker player adjusts to everything, including the population (field) tendencies if there are no reads on the particular villain.

Btw, that's what HU hyper SnG and Spin regs are good at - they often run into unknown opponents whom they have to figure out during only a few hands, and as this is barely possible, they use a combination of the population tendency (at the particular buy-in level) and the obtained reads to make a decision. The more they know the opponent, the more the reads prevail, but their importance grows gradually.

A random PLO5 villain is more likely to arrive at the turn with some trash that has two clubs in it, and bet/call a non-nut backdoor flush OTR, than a PLO10 or PLO25 one. This difference is small if the villain has already shown some fishiness - fishes of different stakes play almost the same - but the difference between the regs of different stakes is significant enough.

Disclaimer: I haven't ground 100 bb PLO for over 2 years already, uh oh.