Posted 7 years ago

Good bluff or too spewy?

Flop I think x calling or betting are both okay. X folding seems too passive IMO.

Turn, I decided to turn my hand into a bluff by x raising. Not something I do often on Natural8 as there are a lot of calling stations. However this felt like a good spot to bluff. When villain bets HP I felt like he had a marginal hand like a weak Qx, KJ, 98 etc and not many Ax hands, other than AJ (which proabably bets bigger) or Ax of hearts. We block KT + AT and some of his combo draws with the ten of hearts so I think it's a good hand to bluff with.

When he calls the turn I think I have to bet the river as I expect him to call turn with Qx hands and some Jx/straight draws that pick up flush draws on turn. Attached Image


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Posted 7 years ago
On the flop if we're going to continue I would prefer a c bet with a K or9 giving us a draw to barrel. That said TT doesn't have much of a future on a flop like this,but BvB it's probably too weak to check fold.

Not keen on the turn bluff as we only rep AJ. KT would c bet the flop along with sets.
Posted 7 years ago
I think you solved this situation for yourself: " Not something I do often on Natural8 as there are a lot of calling stations. However this felt like a good spot to bluff."

I think that the default player type and metagame considerations are much more important than the fact that you have great blockers. You obviously shouldn't be results oriented but the fact that villain called you down with something like Q9 proves that unless you have a lot of info on particular player you should stay away from plays like that. Try to go for super thin value instead.