nL10 JdJs

Posted 8 years ago

Anon hudless versus table full of randoms except SB who seems reasonable.

Opponent is very loose and aggressive. Likes to be table captain.

Preflop: I could 3bet this but utg is a limp/folder and CO is really random except will fold too often preflop to aggression given back at them. Does like the odd bluff or twelve with any holding postflop.

Flop: well that's not tough. Maybe I could raise that board a bit bigger versus this particular player.

Turn: Here's where I though of getting a bit tricky. If I raise they may fold out all the trash or they may not. If I flat and a flush hits I have no idea if they will still pay me off. If a Q hits I'm a bit stuffed but will call it off anyway because guy is so random and can quite possibly have complete garbage here.

So, ignore all the BS and just do it for stacks? I don't know if a flush would stop me getting called on the river or not if I flat this.

Maybe, because of the latter, I answered my own question!


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG $54.9BB
UTG+1 $70.6BB
CO $120.5BB
D $85.4BB
SB $198.2BB
BBHero $111.5BB
6$1.5BBHero is BBJJ
UTG calls 1BB, 1 fold, CO raises to 4BB, 2 folds, Hero calls3BB, UTG calls 3BB
Hero checks, UTG checks, CO bets 7BB, Hero raises to 23BB, UTG folds, CO calls 16BB
Hero checks, CO bets 31BB, (Hero)?

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I'd have bet the turn myself around 18bb or so to get draws to call that would otherwise check back along with Qx type hands. Don't like the check.

As played I'd just be calling the turn and c-calling any river. We stack their value hands regardless but fold their bluffs if we shove the turn.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah happy to bet OTT here, just make it about 40%. Ap call and let him shove it in otr
Posted 8 years ago
Like the pre and flop line. I'd bet turn. As played I'd be in calldown mode, if the flush completes on the river that should be good news for you as well in terms of payoff. But leaving that to one side with such fat value it would be raise flop, bet turn, jam river like 100%.
Posted 8 years ago
I want to lead this flop multiway. If either villain has pair plus ten they may decide to check it around. Also if a four straight appears it's a massive action killer so I want value right away.

As played betting turn ensures we get value from all his draws,plus we get to make it the size we like if villain is folding the river and only giving us two streets.
Posted 8 years ago
Yes thought the check might get a negative response. Thank you very much everyone. Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I'm 3betting pre here every time. The looser the villain is the better.

Flop I like the x/r. Turn definitely keep betting. He probably doesn't improve on the 9 so a lot of hands that called flop might check back turn which is a disaster for you. My play would be x/r bet bet. If you do decide to check the turn I think it should be for a x/jam and villain is likely committed with all but the weakest bluffs in his range.
Posted 8 years ago
Yep, much to learn and so little talent to do it with. Blush

Thanks again.
Posted 8 years ago
Preflop: I definitely prefer three betting over flat calling here. Taking the initiative when we have position will make it much easier to play post flop, and we have a strong hand.

Flop: As played, I like going for the check raise. Leading is a viable option as well but I think there is a decent change villain bets a very decent part of his range here so I prefer the check raise.

Turn: Once we get called on the flop I would be betting turn myself and setting up stacks for a comfortable river jam. As played here I probably just jam the turn myself. Villain will almost certainly have some showdown value after taking this line, or potentially have a strong draw which he may be convinced to call with since he has invested so much of his stack already.
Posted 8 years ago
Leading often slightly better at these limits, but check/raise works fine. I don't really see a reason to slowplay turn when we fill up. We should just continue firing here for value on turn and river.