NL20 KdQd

Posted 7 years ago

Versus two not so great regs and about 500 hands in.

BB is loosey goosey and utg is on the passive end of the spectrum, so didn't fancy a 3bet v utg. Actually it may even be a fold but utg isn't a nit, just weak and likely nobody behind will 3bet except me anyway.

Flop: I thought of raising here but might be optimisitc for getting folds.

When BB raises and utg ships it looks like nice chance to call it off and stack them if I hit. Pretty sure one of them has a set though or alternatively I may be running into the nut flush draw which would be a disaster.

Do I call it off or fold this one? Haven't played a huge amount of nl20 yet but they seem nearly the same as nl10.


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG $102.5BB
UTG+1Hero $105.65BB
CO $78.5BB
D $100BB
SB $227.9BB
BB $115.05BB
6$1.5BBHero is UTG+1KQ
UTG raises to 3BB, Hero calls3BB, 3 folds, BB calls 2BB
BB checks, UTG bets 5BB, Hero calls5BB, BB raises to 23.35BB, UTG goes all-in 94.5BB, (Hero)?

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
Think calling here pre-flop fine if you expect the BB to come a long quite often being fishy. I'd normally just 3bet this as a bluff though and play a 3bet pot with BB heads up hopefully!

Post flop we're up against a AA/set or the NFD, think I'd be making a fold here given the action by BB and UTG, if one shoved and other folded I'd prob get the chips in, against two people though folding to make a fold.
Posted 7 years ago
Pretty clear fold imo! Your overs are most likely not live meaning you are only drawing to the flush! One of the others may have a flush draw taking away a couple of your outs and one may well have a set tainting some of your outs! If you ship you are just gambling really!
Posted 7 years ago
I'm raising the flop v utg. We get a lot of folds and a lot of equity.

Ap, easy fold.
Posted 7 years ago*
Ok tyvm people, it's about what I thought.

@CrazyCookie yes I can see the point of the raise on that board, I got greedy and in the end to keep the fishy guy in.

I did fold out versus 222 and T7o.

Posted 7 years ago
This one's super simple. Go go gadget math! You have no guarantees about BB's play so lets just go with what we know.

You need to call 89.5bb to win 221.85 so you need 40% equity. Unless villain is completely nuts, you don't have even close to that. Depending on his range, I'd say you probably have about 35% tops against 1 player and that might be generous.

Now we could venture into "what if" territory and say BB calls all of the time. Then you can use some of his money in your equity calc. Calling 89.5 into roughly 312 means you need 28.5% which is much better, but your equity also lowers because there's a 3rd player in the pot. Once again you're probably topping out around mid 20's so KQs falls short again.
Posted 7 years ago
KQs usually part of my bluff range pre. If UTG is (loose)passive then I prefer 3 betting even more than usual, expecting some defends OOP from dominated hands.

Raising the flop looks good to me. I'm not expect enough folds on the flop, but with BB likely to fold plenty of his range, we have a ton of decent turn barrel cards in position, and possibly more equity on the flop against a decent chunk of UTG defending range, depending on how bad he is.

As played it's a simple enough fold against two players.
Posted 7 years ago
@Komododragonjesus , yes I plugged in the ranges later and was surprised how poor my hand stacked up, it looked so pretty to.

@Turlock It's always simple for you lot! Cool

Making slow headway, thank you all again. Yes
Posted 7 years ago
Pre it seems can go either way. With bad players in the blinds, you want to keep their dominated hands and draws in, so flatting is cool imo, as long as you don't have squeezers behind you.
Posted 7 years ago
I would normally be using this hand as a three bet rather than a flat call, IMO the order goes 3bet > Fold > Call from these specific positions.

On the flop I like your line as long as you click the fold button as your final action. I think raising multiway here with your type of hand is going to be a blunder, we want to be encouraging multiway action here as much as possible. Once there is the raise and the rejam then our hand is pretty much toast. We don't have the nut flush draw, and there is a high chance that at least one (but probably both) our overcards are not live. When we factor in the potential of our draw being dominated as well then we have a very straight forward fold on our hands.
Posted 7 years ago*
Turlock: KQs usually part of my bluff range pre. If UTG is (loose)passive then I prefer 3 betting even more than usual, expecting some defends OOP from dominated hands.

I'll admit that I'm a wee bit hung over and brain ain't firing on all cylinders, but I really don't understand why people want to turn a hand with so much equity into a bluff. If we just call, depending on how tight UTG is opening, and assuming no other action behind us, our equity is somewhere over 40%+ vs his opening range and we have position.

If he has a tight UTG range, he should be defending most of it (either calls or 4bets), and if he has a wide range, then we actually have a ton of equity in the hand if we just call. And if @Turlock is correct and he'll defend sometimes with dominated hands, then it turns out the raise was for value, not a bluff. There really shouldn't be too many dominated hands he was raising with in the first place, KJ, KTs and QJs are about it. If he was opening worse Kx and Qx hands, and will defend them, then we're definitely making a value play, we're raising and getting called by worse.

Posted 7 years ago
Pre - i like the call. I'm usually 3betting QKo against early openers as we block there strong hands (AK,KK,QQ) and we look v strong raising. But against a tighter opponent I think the flat with a suited QK is better.

Flop - I'm calling the cbet. Raising seems bad as we push a lot of bb's weaker hands out of the pot when we have a (close to) nutted draw. We want him calling in this spot and building a pot. Also if we raise and BB 3bets and utg shoves we're more committed to the pot and more likely to make a mistake.
When the BB raises I think he's pretty nutted (set, 2pair) as he's more likely to call with his draws and marginal hands. When utg shoves we have to fold. We're not getting a great price and our equity is around 23-28% against their ranges. We need about 40% to break even