86s, NL25

Posted 6 years ago


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Posted 6 years ago
First off I would advice you to maybe write a few words about the hand / potential reads on villain / anything of note. Laugh

Pre-flop: Marginal; This won't be a hugely losing call - at the same time it also won't be a hugely winning one - in general population is overfolding vs 3bets - and a CO range is still rather wide - so I would choose this hand as a 3bet or Fold.
Or in other words: I think your pre flop call will cost you a bit of EV

Flop: Floating here is reasonably ambitious - if you go ahead and flat 86s here you will have a massive amount of Coldcalls in this spot - if you start flatting all sorts of BD hands you are def. exploitable - in a vacuum we still only have 8 high and only marginal backdoor draws. So I don't really like the float - neither in theory nor in a vacuum / exploitatively. Think about all the better hands you have as a float here - all the gutters, open enders, pairs etc.

Turn: Once again rather ambitious - your blockers are pretty bad - you have 0 Equity vs a calling range. Yes he is somewhat capping himself by checking here - but this is just not a good handchoice.

River: IMO this is spew - yes he did cap himself - yes he still has some marginals, but ask yourself what you are targeting here, and wether you need to OB vs that range. If you target hands like KTs KQ you obv. don't really need to OB here - by OBing you are kinda targeting AX - and in general I'm not interested in bluffing people in the micros off Top-Pair.

Overall the hand seems ambitious on basically any street - you clearly have better hands to pick from.
Could it work out? To some degree yes, you will generate some folds OTT and OTR - your flop float will sometimes succeed. But this is just not necessary - you have better hands and there are tons of better spots, this is just not a Hotspot to go crazy.