NL10 AKo BB pf AI

Posted 8 years ago

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$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
3 Players

Blinds $0.05/$0.103
D MarekK $2.85
SB MrGreed23 $10.20
BBHero $19.66
3$0.15Hero is BBKA
MarekK raises to $0.30, MrGreed23 raises to $0.95, Hero raises to $2.40, MarekK folds, MrGreed23 goes all-in $9.20, Hero calls$7.70
2$20.70, 1 all-in 26J
2$20.70, 1 all-in 3
2$20.70, 1 all-in J
Final Pot $20.70
Hero shows KA MrGreed23 shows QQ
MrGreed23 wins $20.50 (net +$10.35)
Hero lost$7.70
MarekK lost $0.30

I left 3 handed on the table vs 2 player.Btn is fish and sb is unknown but seemingly a reg(by stack size).Since btn is fish and short I didnt want this to go 3with my AK nor i wanted to face 4b shove so I decided to 4b myself .he folded and sb jamed .For calling I need 36% equity and vs TT+,AK we have that so I think call was ok.
Howere I am not sure should I just call hes 3b or 4b in first place ?


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Posted 8 years ago
Both calling and 4 betting will be +EV, but I would expect 4 betting and calling it off with AK to be the most profitable vs unknowns.

Obviously if we have enough info on the 3 bettor that he only 3 bets premium hands then calling becomes better.
Posted 8 years ago*
3-way this is super standard. I would have played it the exact same way.

Ask yourself this: if you hit an ace on the river, would you be posting this hand? (Most likely no, hand was just a cooler).
Posted 8 years ago
I think you played the hand well given the table dynamic. While villain won't 3bet bluff someone with 28bb stack very often he will also most likely widen his value range in this spot and that can potentially lead him into making some big preflop mistakes against your 4bet.
Posted 8 years ago
Imo is fine .... i think just flat the 3 bet is the worst option.