10Js 3bet pot (vs overbet R)

Posted 7 years ago


I chose to 3bet because he fold 25 vs my 3bet and bb was agrro squeezing (17-18) . Villan got bet vs miss 60% in 3bet pot so when he check maybe he got Ax,JQ-8s or 22-88/TT , on T i played c-c because there aren't many hands to take value (my plan was to c-c T and c-c/f R -depending on the size bet) ,R i don't really what to do vs that overbet , my first thought was he's bluffing because he would bet all nutt fd draws on F and c-back FD with suited connectors and he never overbet R then what if he is not beting nut Fd like KsQs/10s/9s/8s and bet KsQ because he is not having good eq and if he got raised can fold easily and if i c-c he can see the R .Maybe he did that overbet because he could saw me calling very light vs fish.What do you think ?Also any advices how to play my hand ?

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Posted 7 years ago
3b is wayyyyyyyyyyyy to big, post is a fold OTR we are so far down in our range it's not even close to a call.
Posted 7 years ago
I 3bet bigger because we are deep and he is not folding vs 3bet ,i don't think my size affect his calling range,if he call me 9bb with pocket pairs he will call also 13bb, also i'm folding vs 4bet so i'm expecting to 3bet some Axs wich he got better eq vs TJs ,my plan vs this player is to 2/3 barrel high boards since he will got marginal hands .
Posted 7 years ago*
I dislike the 3bet as they have 49% fold to 3bet, and being 120bb I bet it's even lower. OOP I'd just fold this hand and make more moves in position against this guy with 120bb stacks.

Agree on the turn, it's a fold as we're at the bottom of our range, I think by hero calling river you're leveling yourself if you do decide to make arguments for a call.
Posted 7 years ago
I don't think villain has any naked Ks, like KsQx. Highly unlikely that he calls any offsuit Kx to that big of a 3b. COvSB might call KQo when you 3b to a normal size, but I doubt it is calling to 13bb. That removes most of his logical bluffs.

Not really sure what he is repping, but I think it is still a fold. Doesn't seem like this guy is bluffing too many rivers
Posted 7 years ago
His value range i give him something like some flushes like 56s 78s like 5 combos or so (think he bets good FD OTF) then 33 A3s and 45s so roughly 15 combos for value. We need to find 12 bluff combos. KsQdhc, KsTdhc,,QTo 8s8x-6s6x think he have enough hands that he could turn into a bluff.

I wouldn't think he takes this line for 100% of the time since he knows your range is capped.

Things I take away from his stats is highish stabs IP vs missed CB and low Won$SD high WWSF.

Lots of things pointing to a call here. Hands that are better i wouldnt want to call is KK with spade, QQ with spade. Hands I Rather call with Ax.
Posted 7 years ago
His agg freq on the river of 26% is a concern and suggests he may not have enough bluff combos in his river betting range to make this a call.

You need what, 40%? So your hoping he bluffs 4 combos for every 6 value hands to b/e. I can't see what he can bluff with here that allows you to call profitably.