Posted 7 years ago

Facing a river shove with a boat


No info on opponent. I bet 3/4 pot on the flop and turn as I don't think he floats with air much of the time and Ax hands make up a lot of his range so I wanted to get more value out of these hands. I expect JJ-KK 4 bets pre. Pocket pairs (below tens) may continue otf but I think only an ace continues after the turn bet. Hence since I think a massive part of his range are Ax hands, I fold when the 2 pairs otr.

My main questions are. Is this a profitable lay down in the long run? Did I make any other mistakes in the hand? I don't normally play 10nl, so my last question is on player capability. Can I ever have bluffs in my range here and is the average 10nl player capable of a double float in position with this board texture, and what range of hands can he do this with.

Thanks for any help Smile

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Posted 7 years ago
From a line point of view I think you played the hand fine and I like the bet sizing too.

River is close their range is either Ax or KQ,KJ or QJ. We're getting good odds to call and with no info on the player it makes it hard to know if we should call or fold, I think they have enough here that we can x-f.

I don't think you have any bluffs in your range come the river on this board type really, Ax would be the likely hand I'd put you on. And no, a 10nl player will not double float you with air to bluff the river. They may call you with a draw and bluff the river if checked too though.
Posted 7 years ago
That all makes sense. Thanks Smile
Posted 7 years ago
I'd start by going bigger pre. Something like 80c-90c.

I would strongly consider checking the flop. By betting you get a call from Ax and often 1 float from KQ KJ QJ, by checking you allow him to bluff other hands and he'll still bet his Ax so you don't miss out on value. If you decide to bet typically a smaller bet will be better with your range. Even with this nutted hand a smaller bet will probably be better since in a 3bet pot you can still get your entire stack in by starting small and not miss any value against his Ax.

River of course sucks and I would fold. While villain can potentially have missed gutshots I think a lot of them will have folded earlier in the hand to your large flop and turn bets. I think his range will be a little too Ax heavy for a call to be profitable.
Posted 7 years ago
I agree with bigger pre. I usually make it x4 a min raise in position, 90c would be my standard here.

Interesting suggestion to check the flop here. I would usually be too worried about villain checking back the case ace(no kicker) on the turn when he would likely call us down if we barrel.
@Komododragonjesus Would you expect the number of bluffs we pick off to outnumber the times an average 10NL villain will pot control Ax no kicker? Millions of nits in these games that I wouldn't expect to ever go for more than two streets without a decent kicker. Single raised or 3 bet pot.

As played river looks like a standard check fold given how we expect a lot of his non Ax range to have folded by this point.
Posted 7 years ago
@Turlock There's still so many ways to get value even if flop goes x/x. If flop is checked through and hero take a 3/4 pot turn jam river line, are those Ax folding? What if flop checks through and hero x/r turn bet river? You should be able to stack Ax either way. If villain is folding to any of those lines then villain probably isn't calling down a bet bet bet line either with their weak Ax so you're probably not losing value overall. Another thing to consider is that strong Ax like AT+ should greatly outnumber those with lower kickers since sometimes the lower ones are just folded preflop and if they're played it's usually just suited combos.

Cbetting is of course going to be good but I thought checking was a decent option as well.
Posted 7 years ago
Pre: Standard three bet vs a button open, I would normally make it a little larger and be 4xing the opening raise when we are OOP but as stacks are a little shallower than normal I would size down a little, I would still be going at least .70c though.

Flop: We can go either way here, my standard is to keep the initiative and go ahead and bet here, this allows us to get the money in early vs a lot of villains Ax hands, and we should still get called by some of his gutshot hands that may opt to float IP. I would probably size down a little though to encourage him to raise his Ax type hands. I think about 1/2 pot here seems right as this would be a standard enough size for our bluffing hands as well.

Turn: When our large flop bet gets called I am just planing on bombing the turn here to get max value. If villain has an ace he will likely call any size bet, if he doesn't then he is likely folding to any size bet. I'd be going very close to pot here, an absolutely minimum of $2.50 to ensure that villain can never consider mucking his hand on the river.

River: Worst card in the deck for us by an absolute mile and our hand is not a bluff catcher. The problem with having a bluff catcher here is that it is nearly impossible for villain not to have it here so we need to fold unfortunately.