200bb vs fish FD

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago


Hello friends.. BB is aggro fish player. no reads about sb.. What's the correct play here and why ?


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Posted 7 years ago
Looks like an easy fold this deep with K high. Not willing to risk 200b without at least having the NFD, even then I'd still be folding I think.

Posted 7 years ago
I folded this hand. what do you think about this scenario ? Flop is : 3s Ts Jc if we have OE + FD + 2 over cards ?
Posted 7 years ago
Looks like you're in some fun games. Yeah... fold. You need like 48% equity and unless bb is absolutely insane, you won't have that.

If the flop comes JT3ss then a call will likely be about breakeven at worst, profitable if he's truly nuts. Against overpairs your overcards potentially aren't good but the extra 6 outs to a straight will do wonders for your equity. If it's breakeven then it doesn't really matter if you call or not, just depends on whether or not you want to flip for 200bb.
Posted 7 years ago
Folding is totally standard with no showdown value even for 100bb stacks. Here calling would be insane being so deep.

For the flop you ask about it's always a great exercise to spend a few minutes at least everyday putting a hand into Equilab and playing about with changing the board texture slightly to see how much your equity fluxuates. This way I've found I remember the results a lot better than when somebody just tells me.