25 plo river sizing with 2nd nut flush

Posted 7 years ago

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I think perhaps I should have gone a little bigger on the turn. That aside, maybe a smaller river sizing to get calls from weaker flushes? This size might be too big when what they can have is Jdd at best and the pot 60% pot 55% pot line I took looks strong. Maybe in the $9 - $11 range would be better on the river.

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Posted 7 years ago
maybe i am reading it wrong but it looks like he has 11$ left. So 11$ or 14$ whats the difference? Smile
Posted 7 years ago
@trinity25 I had not noticed when I reviewed the hand lol... I guess I should delete the thread or put in an edit? If he had an extra $5 behind?

I understand now why my turn sizing was smaller than I normally would have gone.
Posted 7 years ago
In general if someone pays to draw something, he doesn't like to fold it if he hits. Recreational player doesn't fold his flush there. Bet bigger on the turn for 2 reasons:
- if he has a set/2pairs, get value from those
- if river pairs the board, you miss value

And sometimes when he has the flush and he doesn't think ahead, you can force him to be "more committed" on the river by betting a little bigger on the turn.
Posted 7 years ago
i think if he had 5$ more you would size up turn bet right? So it would be shove OTR again
Posted 7 years ago
How big would you go on the turn here with these stacks @Kyyberi ? If Btn had me covered, how would you adjust bet sizing?