55 25NL

Posted 7 years ago

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Flop and turn seem standard.

River is worst card in the deck. However I don't think he has a tonne of 7s in his range after I x raise the turn. But I think all his nutted draws still call and over pairs.

I think we have to call his bet on the river because: 1. He could be bluffing missed draws. 2. He could be betting a 3 or overvaluing an over pair.

If I had known that villain is capable of playing 67o that way then I think we can fold.

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Posted 7 years ago
I go for standart flop turn raise. Why you check raise him.You can easly lost straigt draws 88 99 TT JJ etc. River IMO value bet again. Tons off cards you can get value. 7 not the worst card in the deck.
Posted 7 years ago
Looking at it now I think river should be a bet fold. Still like my turn raise. People on this site hate to fold and I think he's rarely folding an over pair or nut flush draw.
Posted 7 years ago
Pre: Standard.

Flop: Standard, slowplaying here would be a mistake IMO.

Turn: On that kind of flop villain can for sure be floating us reasonably wide with random overcards etc so checking to pick up some extra chips from these types of hands definitely has merit. When he does bet, I like raising. If villain is bluffing here we are not overly likely to win many more chips on the river anyway by check calling, and villain can absolutely have a decent number of worse hands that can call.

River: I think villain can for sure still call with hands like 88/99 etc so I would not mind betting reasonably small here on the river ourselves, in the region of $8. A high might even level themselves into a hero call vs a possible missed flush from us. When he raises river then we have a straight forward fold if we take this line.
Posted 7 years ago
I would prefer to just continue betting on the turn with him unlikely to fold much that he called the flop with except floats.

On the river I would go for a bet size around $4 intending to fold to a shove. He should call with a lot of pocket pairs. I agree that he should have too many 7x after your turn check raise.

As played I would fold the river expecting him to check back all his showdown value except 7x.