5NL - KQ (3Bet pot facing 3x)

Posted 6 years ago

Anon. We open on the BTN and the SB 3Bets.

We see this flop and face a 2/3 pot bet (.37c into .51c) - we call

Face this turn and face a slight overbet ($1.69 into $1.25) - not thrilled, but can't quite fold yet, we call.

See this river and face an almost pot sized shove - have to fold here, I think?

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Should the turn or river be played differently? I think he's just trying to get the money in for value.

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Posted 6 years ago
Preflop and flop is well played.

Without reads facing an overbet is a very tough spot. Your king is now a bluffcatcher at best. His value-range has all AK, AA and KK. His bluffs are mostly Axdd. If you have any reason not to believe his story call. I'd tend to fold

Turn: now most of his bluffs beat you as well. I cant see you being good 33% of the time so this is a clear fold.
Posted 6 years ago
This is generally our opponent trying to shovel as much money into the middle as they can, as fast as they can and is rarely a bluff. Very ocassionally it can be a bluffer trying to bully us off a hand but not often enough for it to matter much to me without reads even if they are.

I would be tempted to tank and nit-fold the turn.
Posted 6 years ago
short update... exchange turn for river in the last sentence Smile
Posted 6 years ago
This is a great example of how overbets just absolutely suck when you're facing them. Readless especially this is a very grim spot. Does the overbet get used at all frequently in this player pool? Never played on the site.