AJo 20nl

Posted 7 years ago

Tripple barell?

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$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem iPoker
6 Players

UTG maderita222 $15.51
UTG+1 DrunkenKING66 $22.33
CO ananch1 $5.49
DHero $29.21
SB ElinBritt $19.90
BB dyjrhjrtshtyh $13.14
6$0.30Hero is BTNJA
maderita222 calls $0.20, 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.80, 2 folds, maderita222 calls $0.60
maderita222 checks, Hero bets$0.95, maderita222 calls $0.95
maderita222 checks, Hero bets$2.40, maderita222 calls

maderita222 checks, Hero checks
Final Pot$8.17
maderita222 shows 56

maderita222 wins $8.17 (net +$4.02)
DrunkenKING66 wins $0
ananch1 wins $0
Hero lost$4.15

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
I'd be giving up on the turn, our equity is slashed and I don't see them folding too many hands on the turn that called the flop. River is not a bad spot to go ahead and shove now, but I dislike it that the flush draw missed, meaning they may call us down here with Tx or a PP.

However, if I were to bet that brick turn I would do so with the idea of shoving good rivers like this (I think this is a semi-good river as it completes some draws).

Do you have any reads on this player?
Posted 7 years ago
I'm def never firing more than one bullet, and sometimes I wouldn't even bother with the first one. If he called the flop he won't fold turn, and since they always think we have AK, will often call river after our turn check. 3 barreling a board like this with A high seems like stackicide.
Posted 7 years ago
i don't bet this type of board with fish,you got 0 fold eq. ,i bet only value hands like second pair + (1/2 pot -2 streets on blank T) -sets/straight (pot F/ and T 4/5 pot )- all others draws i check and bet T maybe.
Posted 7 years ago
The cbet on flop may be fine, depending on what kind a fish is this dude, but if you are cbetting flop you should figure out, on which turns to bet or shut down. 5h on this runnout is a bad spot to bet. He wont't fold much in his range, that he called the flop with and 5h does nothing for your hand.
Posted 7 years ago
Fine if we go 3 streets. Really bad spots to 2 barrel.
Posted 7 years ago
At my limit there's a good chance I'd get my 3 barrel called by the 5x by these guys, they came to play. My usual is cbet and give it up because if they call they do tend to get sticky with any Tx which never folds or 9x, even the 7 or an underpair like 3s, or whatever else they like the colour of.
It's easier to cbet against limp/call chk/fold types if we know them, who are my favourites!

Versus a more competent player I might 3 barrel this board sometimes though.

Gl Smile