AKo 25NL

Posted 7 years ago

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Very weird played hand. Is this just a cooler or could I have lost less?

Very important to note I played a hand previously with this player. In that hand he 3bet JTs, checked back QJ3, then made a small raise on a blank turn after I bet into him. He then checked back the river.

I think my play up to the river is standard. When he raises the turn I'm not very concerned about having the worst hand as I've seen him make this play with marginal hands in the past. When the river pairs the 9 I decided to bet small for value as I often think he has a weak ace and also a counterfitted A3 or A4 in his range, which he will check back on the river. He also has some 9x, A9, 44 and 33 so my plan was to fold to a shove on river. However when he min raises me I don't think I can fold getting approx 5:1

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Posted 7 years ago
Think you play this fine, I quite like the river bet and I think it exploits his weak Ax and counterfeit A3/4... but fold 100% to the raise, like he has you bet 1000000000000% of the time here so you have to be disciplined and fold.
Posted 7 years ago
Played the hand perfect, I'd be b/f the river too, can't see us ever being ahead when raised. A check-call is not bad either to catch their bluffs but overall I like betting as they are calling with most Ax hand pre flop.
Posted 7 years ago
Pre: Standard.

Flop: Standard enough, I like you're sizing here.

Turn: Betting again for value seems correct, again I quite like your sizing here. When we get raised I would be slightly concerned but not concerned enough to consider folding ever so I call here.

River: This is a pretty interesting spot, I would expect villain to show up with a reasonable number of missed flush draws, I would not expect villain to have a ton of worse Ax after the turn raise with the exception of exactly A3/A4, we are also going to run into sets etc obviously as well. I think my preference would be to go for a check call to maximise value vs his missed flush draws but betting with the intention of folding seems reasonable. It sucks that he has raised so small here but I still think it is a fold, despite the excellent price being offered. Check calling avoids this scenario though which is a big benefit of that line, despite occasionally missing value from some parts of villains range.
Posted 7 years ago
Looks standard up to the river.

I think the river donk is great and not something I would have probably done myself. Once he raises though it's a clear fold. If he does have a weak Ax he's going to look to bluff catch rather than bluff himself.