K3s 30nl

Posted 8 years ago

This guy has a VP on 20 and has 3b 2/7 vs late position steals. I therefore presumed he was a pro short stacker. Is this too small a sample to make this read and do you get many pro shorties at 30nl?
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.15/$0.30 No Limit Holdem 888
5 Players

UTG Bottomless $22.62
CO Arma.ggedon $60.16
D defected00 $50.56
SBHero $30.15
BB Anonimniy $13.62
5$0.45Hero is SBK3
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.90, Anonimniy raises to $2.55, Hero goes all-in$30.15, Anonimniy goes all-in $11.07
2$43.77, 2 all-in 5TK
2$43.77, 2 all-in 5
2$43.77, 2 all-in 5
Final Pot$43.77
Hero shows K3
Anonimniy shows AA

Anonimniy wins $25.88 (net +$12.26)
Hero collects$16.53 (net -$13.62)

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I'd air on the side of caution until I get more info (preferably at someone else's expense) and just fold this pre.
Posted 8 years ago
I'd go with fold and even if the sample size was larger I'd want to see him fold to a 4bet since there are a ton of crazies that raise/call all sorts of hands and K3 likely won't do very well against any of those ranges. I don't think there are many pro shorties at 30nl. A big mistake lots of micro players make is putting in too much money with mediocre hands. I think by shoving here you're both making that mistake and potentially allowing villain to profitably make that mistake as well (the times he doesn't have AA).
Posted 8 years ago
I would not do this hand with K3 as we have very poor equity when called. They are stacking off with A8+/PP usually and our range is crushed by that.

I'd rather do it with any Ax than K3, KJ,QJ, KT and the like.
Posted 8 years ago
Seems a bit spewy to me. I agree with Harvie that I'd rather have an Ax type of hand but I still wouldn't be making plays like this. I think Komodo explains this spot pretty well Smile
Posted 8 years ago
There aren't many pro shortstackers in todays games anymore, if any. Also would like a better hand/more sample on the guy for this, just fold to the 3b and on to the next one. Might also be a good idea to open minraise vs this stacksize.
Posted 8 years ago
I think people over estimate how much better Axo is than Kxs as a 4b bluff. Say he's getting in AQ and 88+ then K3s has 29% equity and A4o 27%. Ax reduces his value range by 12% and Kx by 9.5% so they play pretty similarly.
Posted 8 years ago
I think the biggest mistake here is the idea of 4bet bluffing. We 4bet bluff when we want to put pressure on our opponent and want to make him fold the bottom of his 3bet value range and his bluffs, we want to make him take risks with his whole stack (assuming he has 100BB or more), this way as he's a shortstacker we're not making him risk much and make his hand pretty easy to play.
Posted 8 years ago
I think it would be ok sometimes in mtt , but in cash with K and 3 high Its a fold.
Posted 8 years ago
Seen a couple hands today where you seem to just be outplaying yourself.
Posted 8 years ago
StratoMan: Seen a couple hands today where you seem to just be outplaying yourself.

Yo're very prescriptive in your comments on a few threads, try to offer something more constructive and your own interpretation. Unless you're a 200nl+ crusher in which case by all means feels free to be prescriptive
Posted 8 years ago
StratoMan: Seen a couple hands today where you seem to just be outplaying yourself.

Yo're very prescriptive in your comments on a few threads, try to offer something more constructive and your own interpretation. Unless you're a 200nl+ crusher in which case by all means feels free to be prescriptive

He is right tho, the hands you're posting on here are spots where you should be folding pre or giving up in other spots. You seem to be trying to win every spot from these hands. It's a leak and one you should plug. Trying to win every hand is going to end up with you spewing cash.

Not saying you try to win EVERY hand but a lot of the hands you post you are trying to. Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
StratoMan: Seen a couple hands today where you seem to just be outplaying yourself.

Yo're very prescriptive in your comments on a few threads, try to offer something more constructive and your own interpretation. Unless you're a 200nl+ crusher in which case by all means feels free to be prescriptive

He is right tho, the hands you're posting on here are spots where you should be folding pre or giving up in other spots. You seem to be trying to win every spot from these hands. It's a leak and one you should plug. Trying to win every hand is going to end up with you spewing cash.

Not saying you try to win EVERY hand but a lot of the hands you post you are trying to. :)

Note that these are the borderline hands / experiment hands. I've posted 3 out of about 10,000 I played this week. I post these types of hands because there spots I'm unsure of and I learn a lot from the feedback.
Posted 8 years ago
For sure, no need to defend yourself mate. We know that these are the hands that you are stuck on. We are just pointing out that the times you get stuck appear to be when you try to over play your hands so it is possibly a leak in your game. If these are all experimental then they aren't working so find another way to exploit Smile
Posted 8 years ago
First thing...really important, you know there is a shortie in the blinds so why are we opening to 3bb? Definitely a min-raise.

Whether there is room to 4bet fold really depends on the stack sizes. As a rough guide, if we'd need less than 30% equity to call a 5bet, it's probably better to jam directly ourselves. So in this case, 4betting small probably not a great option, jamming is correct.

So this is a play we should potentially be making with some hands, but highly unlikely to be a hand as weak as K4s without a significant read (more than what we have already). We are looking at suited AX, PPs, and good Ax broadways. Pobably not too much wider than this at first.