nl 10 at 3bet pot

Posted 8 years ago

SBHero $174BB
BB Player2 $106.4BB [/divbox]
5$1.5BBHero is SBTA
1 fold, Player6 raises to 3BB, 1 fold, Hero raises to 10BB, 1 fold, Player6 calls 7BB

Hero bets10.5BB, Player6 calls 10.5BB

vil is 32 /19/ 1.9 af . how do you gyus play turn here ? db with my draw ? or c/f

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago*
I was barreling these spots quite alot , i dont think its the best option though , if hes not folding that flop he wont fold to the turn bet , hes going to call with JQ TJ that just picked up a gs with his pair AK KQ KJ are all in his range , he probably calls again with AJ , maybe AJ is one of the hands you can fold out.

I think i just check decide on the turn depending on his sizing, this isn't a flop he can really float that wide in a 3bet pot , AQ and made hands , I think if that 3h is the 3d and you turn a diamond i would barrel with the increased equity .

other wise check and hope to get the river for free , maybe call small bets. Once you bet turn your almost committed to shoving the river as a last ditch effort other wise , and we really dont need to do it in these spots.
Posted 8 years ago
We have KK JJ AA AK KJs and probably QTs here. I'm happy to bet all of these for value at 10nl. That is about 32 combos (might be a little off) so we can bet at least 20 combos as a bluff, remaining value heavy enough not to be exploited if villain never folds ott.

I'd pick hands that block qt AK KQ. This is one of them so I would bet here, probably qbourlt 30bb.

I agree he can't float much here but I don't think many jx call here and anything else that isn't kx will fold. That and also the fact we have quite a wide value range gives m enough reason to double barrel here.

That being said I'm not expecting this to be a really high EV fist pump bet, but we do have 4 nut outs and 3 possible outs so even if we miss out on the number of folds needed we have about 15% to improve.

Giving up wouldn't be a horrible mistake but I actually think this is on of our best bluffs and tbh I wouldn't hate turning it into a triple barrel as we block qt.
Posted 8 years ago
ty guys