NL5 98s

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

Hello. What do you guys think of this spot?
Unknown player. I feel like my sizing was bet should have gone bigger but what do you do facing a race here?
I think the hands he will have here is J10,Q10 K10 QJ KJ KQ of hearts.

I ended up folding maybe to nitty but I didnt feel like I wanted to call a river shove/pot bet. and I sure does not like to call the turn and fold the river....
Maybe check call the turn andn check river is a better line?

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05Zoom No Limit Holdem PokerStars
6 Players

UTGHero $10.60
UTG+1 drelza6842 $9.18
CO UltraGu $6.39
D yfjz5712 $5.28
SB agukas $6.65
BB gabri044 $6.64
6$0.07Hero is UTG89
Hero raises to $0.15, 2 folds, yfjz5712 calls $0.15, 1 fold, gabri044 calls $0.10
gabri044 checks, Hero bets$0.22, yfjz5712 calls $0.22, gabri044 folds
Hero bets$0.43, yfjz5712 raises to $1.30, Hero folds
Final Pot$2.64

yfjz5712 wins $2.57 (net +$0.90)
gabri044 collects $0.00 (net -$0.15)
Hero lost$0.80

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
I dont think you should fold this hand I agree I think you should bet more on the turn but I at least call and reevaluate on the river. I actually think the question should be should you be raising or calling. If you decide to raise you probably only get action from bigger flushes and sets and there arnt many sets in his range probably just 55&77 because alot of the time QQ&AA will 3bet pre so I think you should call so you can get value from Ax 2pair and possible bluff type hands also the Ah blocks alot of higher flush draws so that is one more reason why I think we should be continuing with this hand.
Posted 8 years ago
I agree you should be betting bigger on both streets. I don't think you can fold turn. I would bet/call. You listed a few flushes he can have and that's 100% true but it's also such a narrow value range that if he ever bluffs, even 2 combos of whatever then you're winning money by calling. He can also occasionally have worse for value like 55, 77, AQ.
Posted 8 years ago
Komododragonjesus: I agree you should be betting bigger on both streets. I don't think you can fold turn. I would bet/call. You listed a few flushes he can have and that's 100% true but it's also such a narrow value range that if he ever bluffs, even 2 combos of whatever then you're winning money by calling. He can also occasionally have worse for value like 55, 77, AQ.

Thanks! What do you mean by this tho?
I guess you always would call the river if the board not pairs?
Posted 8 years ago
chrisohare88: I dont think you should fold this hand I agree I think you should bet more on the turn but I at least call and reevaluate on the river. I actually think the question should be should you be raising or calling. If you decide to raise you probably only get action from bigger flushes and sets and there arnt many sets in his range probably just 55&77 because alot of the time QQ&AA will 3bet pre so I think you should call so you can get value from Ax 2pair and possible bluff type hands also the Ah blocks alot of higher flush draws so that is one more reason why I think we should be continuing with this hand.

Yeah I agree that the Ah blocks alooot of flushes.
Would you ever fold this river vs an unknown?
Thanks for the help!
Posted 8 years ago
The way this hand played out probably not both of your bets are pretty small so I think alot of the time good Regs can prey on this and put pressure if they sense any weakness. If he has 2pair or turned an Ace with your sizing he has no reason to think he is behind. I would call turn and bet for value on most rivers if the board pairs i would probably check call or bet fold to a shove but I think our hand is too strong to let go.

Also you should ask yourself why you are betting and what you want to achieve with your sizing and have a plan for different actions the villian will taken. Obviously here we are betting the turn for value so we should be happy with the villian puts more money in the pot.
Posted 8 years ago
Komododragonjesus: I agree you should be betting bigger on both streets. I don't think you can fold turn. I would bet/call. You listed a few flushes he can have and that's 100% true but it's also such a narrow value range that if he ever bluffs, even 2 combos of whatever then you're winning money by calling. He can also occasionally have worse for value like 55, 77, AQ.

Thanks! What do you mean by this tho?
I guess you always would call the river if the board not pairs?

A simple example, if someone has 10 combinations of value hands and you need to win 33% of the time (typical for a pot sized bet) then he can bluff 5 combinations max. In your spot I think it ended up being 2 combinations of bluff hands since there are so few value hands and for a lot of players it's really difficult to have that thin of a bluff range.

Depending on the action I might be ok with calling or folding river. Paired boards and more hearts would definitely be a deterrent though.
Posted 8 years ago
Komododragonjesus: I agree you should be betting bigger on both streets. I don't think you can fold turn. I would bet/call. You listed a few flushes he can have and that's 100% true but it's also such a narrow value range that if he ever bluffs, even 2 combos of whatever then you're winning money by calling. He can also occasionally have worse for value like 55, 77, AQ.

Thanks! What do you mean by this tho?
I guess you always would call the river if the board not pairs?

A simple example, if someone has 10 combinations of value hands and you need to win 33% of the time (typical for a pot sized bet) then he can bluff 5 combinations max. In your spot I think it ended up being 2 combinations of bluff hands since there are so few value hands and for a lot of players it's really difficult to have that thin of a bluff range.

Depending on the action I might be ok with calling or folding river. Paired boards and more hearts would definitely be a deterrent though.

Thank you! Will have to look up this more with combos of value and bluff hands.