Posted 8 years ago

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That 4bet spot really hard for me. When playing this game, I have to pay attention to what? According to what I have to give my decision.


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Posted 8 years ago
Is this $2/5 or is it in another currency? If so how much is it in USD terms. If the game is 2/5 I like your line pre flop and would be calling their flop cbet.

If it's micro stakes, I think I'm folding the flop as I'm not expecting to see worse hands here other than AKss.
Posted 8 years ago
On micros, cold 4bet here will almost always be super strong and I don't think QQ is good enough to just mindlessly shove on top or stack-off every flop.

If this was 2/5$ game I don't really feel comfortable giving advice as I have no idea how those games play nowadays.
Posted 8 years ago
From your blog, this is on some Turkish site, right? So definitely not actually $2.5/$5.

Depending no how tight the typical 4bet like this is on that site I can see all options being pretty good. I think I like shove pre the least since his sizing is pretty gross.

If you get to the flop this way and it's ten high then I do think you have to stack off. Otherwise you're just set mining QQ for 30bb pre and there's no way that's optimal. The other option, if you think villain is tight is to just fold pre. I'm not typically a fan of this play with QQ but depending on the game it might be right.
Posted 8 years ago
Difficult to say without knowing the value of the currency. In a small stakes game I really don't mind folding. I've never been a fan of calling 4 bets 100bb deep.

As played I think you have to call at least once, because as Komodo said otherwise it's just a set mine with shallow effective stacks.

@Komododragonjesus What can you tell us about post flop planning when calling 4 bets like this? If we can't stack it pre then it just feels like bluff catching all the way. I've never felt comfortable calling down like this.
Posted 8 years ago
Guys its nl500 TR game. Its like NL100 currency but game is softer than NL100. So i can say they are much fishy players. One of the reason why i play like that he almost always 4bet his 3bet yeah 500 hands not much but that stat got me. Normally im not the guy call 4bets but its from my shot. Little scare money so i play like that.
Posted 8 years ago
Pre: I can go either way here with jamming or flat calling, I'm rarely looking to fold preflop when 100BB deep and would be looking to identify nitty players if I am going to do it and this player does not seem to fit that description. I think my preference is towards flatting here as standard and playing post flop poker but I definitely don't hate jamming.

Flop: Once we have reached this point we pretty much have to stack off. Folding is far too weak, we have played our hand in such a way as to maximise the potential for villain to stick a lot of money in when he is behind, if we are against AA/KK/TT then so be it, it's a cooler and we can move on to the next hand. (Or hit our two outer and put our opponent on tilt Wink )