T9s 25NL

Posted 7 years ago

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Good fold on the river?

Villain's only repping a flush so there's not many combos in his value range. However, I'm struggling to think of any bluffs he plays this way. I also think villain expects me to x back the river most of the time so he can definitely have a flush when he donks the river.

If he bet smaller I may call as he may have worst value (2 pair) sometimes

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Posted 7 years ago
I would go a little bit bigger on the turn. The SB has a lot of hand combinations that will call you. As played, I think the river fold is fine. The call call lead river line like this is a flush a significant amount of the time to the point that I think you folding is profitable.
Posted 7 years ago
I like the river shove, really hard to call because we even lose to AT and their line looks very much like a flush. Do agree with Josh that we should make the river bigger, I like around $3.70~ as I expect draws to come along regardless.
Posted 7 years ago
This line looks like flush i can agree with that but I also think we can take away many flush combos from the previous streets.

A9dd-A7dd A5-A3dd (do they call them pre?)
JTdd QJdd QTdd ATdd AQdd Q9dd T9dd wouldnt he want to c/r them on the flop?
Small Fd's like 78dd 54dd might fold the turn?

He will not c/r flop 100% of the time with those hands and he might call A9dd pre but its still very few combos he reps.

Possible bluff hands is KT QT JT AQ that he might very well play like this, esp if he holds Td or Ad.

Thats how I read the situation and then you can attached your own wheights to their ranges to match the population you are playing against.
Posted 7 years ago
I think you played the hand well. Honest recreational players will often use the check/call, check/call, lead line when they end up hitting the draw by the river.
Posted 7 years ago
Looks like a good disciplined river fold to me. This line is usual for weak players who can't resist donking out when they bink just in case you check behind.

I don't mind a bit bigger on the turn with so many sets and two pair combos which make sense, but I doubt it makes much difference.