Looking for Rb deal

Posted 7 years ago

Previously i was on MG network but theyve changed their script and i can't track my play properly. Looking for a deal - needs to be a room that:
* supports tracking software HEM2 / PT4
* has honest RB % not based on how i'm running or anything like that. If i pay 100$ rake in HEM and its a 30% deal i would like to get 30$ into my account without having to become a MiT mathematician.
* prefer not to have rake races add ons.

obviously looking for the best deal i can find, any suggestions welcome Smile

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago
Hey @MagicNinja what country are you in? That is narrowing down your options a lot but let me know and I will see what we have for you.
Posted 7 years ago
I am a UK resident
Posted 7 years ago
Tough to find a room that fits your criteria entirely but I would recommend you try out Coral on ipoker from the UK. With our deal you will get 30% WC rakeback (top VIP tier upgrade) + 100% up to £200 first deposit bonus clearing at 20% rakeback + $55,000 rake race (average 10% extra rakeback paid monthly) + £1000 monthly reload bonuses + promotions. They also allow tracking softwares still so would be a good choice IMO Smile
Posted 7 years ago
"WC rakeback" What is this please - how is it calculated ? If i pay 100$ in rake do i get 30$ in my account ? Thanks for the help btw Keri
Posted 7 years ago
"WC rakeback" What is this please - how is it calculated ? If i pay 100$ in rake do i get 30$ in my account ? Thanks for the help btw Keri
Posted 7 years ago
Yes WC is weighted contributed method, if you raked $100 on Coral you would get 30% rakeback ($30) + 20% for bonus ($20) + average of 10% ($10) for the rake race. So you'd be looking at around 60% WC rakeback total there with reloads after.