Unibet on Linux?

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

I'm looking for an online poker room to play Hold'em and PLO. Unibet looks like a good site for me.
However, my pc runs on Linux and this can be a problem. I'd rather not switch to Windows.

Before I'm going through the process of opening an account and depositing money, I'd like to learn if anybody tried to play at Unibet on Linux, and what the results were Cheeky

when did you try?
how (wine, vm, browser)?
which Linux distribution/version, vm, browser/plugins?


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Posted 7 years ago
I don't think Linux is compatible with Unibet. I will find out for you and confirm
Posted 6 years ago
Anything new about this?
Posted 6 years ago
Hi, yes I can confirm that Unibet is not available for Linux currently. A good alternative which I believe is compatible would be Party Poker. We have the best deal there and they are included in our rake race. Similar soft games to Unibet, so I would recommend you give that a try instead!:)
Posted 6 years ago
By now, I'm quite convinced the Unibet windows client won't work on Linux/wine. The web client still might. But that doesn't offer multi tabling.

According to the Party Poker FAQ, their client software is not compatible with Linux. At Winehq you'll find mixed results, but that information is quite old (2011) and may not be so useful. Also outdated, third party info states it does not work well with wine. A quick tryout shows it won't just work on Ubuntu 16.04.2, after installing winbind/samba/whatnot I'm still getting several errors I can't fix easily. So I won't.

I clicked a link to the Party Poker web client on a third party web site. Unfortunately I can't find it anymore to try it in a different browser. Anyway, on Chrome version 58.0.3029.110, it showed me a "Sorry, our instant play poker software is no longer able to run on Chrome". I can't find access to the instant play anywhere on Party Poker's web site and any third party link that I do find leads me to the "download the windows client or play on mobile" page. So I'm pretty sure the Party Poker instant play web client has been terminated.

So my conclusion: Party Poker will NOT work on Linux.

Final conclusion: Playing online poker on Linux is a major pain in the ass. It's just not worth the trouble, picking the right site for your stakes/volume is complex enough without having to experiment if the chit will run on Linux. Also, it's never going to be reliable because it's not officially supported anywhere. Poker sites may (and frequently do) change their clients and possibly break your setup at any time.

Personally, I'll be building a new, faster PC and run Microsoft's crapware in virtual machines to get rid of dual booting. I'm guessing a core i5 with 8-16 GB RAM and a fast M.2 NVMe SSD should vm any poker software (clients/hud, Flopzilla/Snowie/Pio/Juice etc) fine and fast. Using vms has an additional benefit; you can easily install one and update it, then clone it. Running the room clients in a dedicated vm will reduce security risks.

Possibly, an Android emulator (eg Genymotion) and the Android clients could do the job as well. But if that will run on your pc you might as well use win7 in a vm and use the full fletched room client instead of mousing around in a touch interface.

As for Party Poker vs Unibet; Rakeback and welcome bonus at Unibet depends heavily on the territory you're at, so the question which site is better for you is not answered easily. At Party Poker you'll pay somewhat more rake at the lower stakes (NL10 and below) regardless. At the higher stakes you may be better off at Party Poker due to rakeback, unless you're in France because you can get a 30% flat rakeback on unibet.fr. Party Poker offers a 100% welcome bonus up to $500 compared to Unibets €200 playthrough (or £400 in the UK). It'll depend on your stakes/volume if the welcome bonus makes any difference at all. Both sites offer Omaha games.

PokerVIP's rake race would translate to another 10% rakeback at best. Nice and funny, not a huge game changer. If I'm correct, that works for both Party Poker and Unibet.