LFPoker - Statistics/tracker system

Posted 6 years ago

Poker players,

Welcome to LFPoker! We are a site that came to help your hands in poker. The site has just been uploaded to help learning and improve evolution of poker players. We propose learning through practice, review and comparison of numbers. That's how it works: the user upload his hands, the system analises them and provides statistics for the user to follow your game style. It's also possible to compare your numbers with the average of other players, to help identifying improvement points.

As the user increases his use will be possible to validate theories and directons spread by theoreticians, books, coaches, gurus, etc. Also will be possible for the user to see and learn new theories and game styles.

We have a free system and we intend to keep it that way.

Visit www.lfpoker.com, sign up, use all funcionalities and bring us feedback! We'd like your help to evolve and improve the system for better efficiency and use.

Any question, suggestions or critics we are avaible to talk and answer here in the forum or in the site itself!


LFPoker Team.

Last Post 6 years ago by






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