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Check Vegeta's recent activity and point progression.

Vegeta completed lesson Starting Hands+2 Points

5 years ago

Vegeta completed lesson Poker Rules Lesson 1+25 Points

5 years ago

Vegeta is reading ICM Explained

5 years ago

Vegeta is reading ICM Explained

5 years ago

Vegeta completed lesson The TAG Approach+78 Points

5 years ago

Vegeta is reading How to use ICM

5 years ago

Vegeta completed lesson Playing the Bubble+46 Points

5 years ago

Vegeta completed lesson How to play the early stages of a tourney+27 Points

5 years ago

Vegeta completed lesson Final Table MTT Strategy+24 Points

5 years ago

Vegeta completed lesson Playing in the money+24 Points

5 years ago