Mark Patrickson(Turlock)

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0 Videos194 Articles Since 2015

Mark Patrickson is a professional cash game player grinding stakes up to 100nl 6 Max NL Hold'em

13 years experience of poker, across MTT SnG and cash, FL PL NL.

Currently living in South East Asia and trying to make it back to mid-stakes before the end of 2019.
Texas Hold'em No Limit IntermediateHow to Crush Your Opponents with Bet Sizing

Learning how to size your bets correctly will set you on the path to crushing your opponents

Mark Patrickson 6,896 Views on 8/12/21

Texas Hold'em No Limit IntermediateGTO Poker Solvers in 2021

While the world’s elite players have no doubt mastered the use of solvers, and memorised the results of much of what they learned, are they important to the average player?

Mark Patrickson 7,178 Views on 25/11/21

Maximize Your Poker EarningsOnline Poker League Kicks Off Today! - $25,000 Up for Grabs

Get your bankrolls ready and your schedules cleared because this evening marks the beginning of the 18th season of the Online Poker League

Mark Patrickson 2,658 Views on 7/11/21