The Official GOT Thread (WARNING - SPOILER ALERT!)

Posted 8 years ago

This thread is for everyone to post absolutely anything Game of Thrones related. Let us know your favourite scenes, most shocking moments, best characters etc and discuss everything and anything.

If you have not seen the show yet, look away, this thread will ruin your life, turn back and only return once you have experienced the shock and horror that is the amazing Game of Thrones!

I will kick it off with a few....


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Posted 8 years ago
Mountain vs. Viper scene takes the cake for me. I was kinda disappointed after I've read book four and five, and at this point, I'm all in on the show (not planning on reading any more books), There are rumours about the possible inclusion of the Tower of Joy scene in the next season which will certainly be mind-blowing for non-book readers. Can't wait!
Posted 8 years ago
I remember the first time I saw that scene, I was horrified! Prince Oberyn was one of my favourtie characters. We all knew it was coming at the end though right? It was never going to be that simple, I was just shocked at the way it happened, ughhh!

I really want to read the books, I just need to find the time! Not sure which scene you are referring to, but interested to find out Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
When is the new season out? This is the only TV show I actually follow.

My fav scenes are all below

Posted 8 years ago
@Harvie There's still like one and a half month left from what I remember, but we got the first official trailer and the hype train officially left the station Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Harvie: When is the new season out? This is the only TV show I actually follow.

My fav scenes are all below

Sometime in April! Oh yes I remember you used to have Tyrion as your profile pic a while back. One of the best characters of all time! Some great scenes there too lol Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
@CrazyKeri in a dif thread @MattVIP's analysis of the books is the nuts. 1 is great, 2 and 3 decent with great moments, 4 and 5 intolerable. (I only skim-read them myself.)

For people waiting for book 6, here's a sobering possibility: GRRM has no pages.

Any scene with Tyrion ftw.
Posted 8 years ago
My Fave 5 characters (off the top of me head, anyway):

1. Varys
2. Tyrion
3. Oleanna Tyrell
4. Bronn
5. The Hound

honorable mentions to Tywin, Ygritte, Syrio Forel, Arya, Ser Pounce
Posted 8 years ago
I love what showrunners did with Bronn. Or rather what Jerome Flynn did with him. The character is great. He's a lawfull-evil character (like most killers for hire), but he's so charming and easy going at the same time. He will betray you for money because that's who he is, but he'll also fell bad about it. Such a great character.

This is perhaps not the funniest clip with Bronn in it, but I really love it:
Posted 8 years ago
I agree with Bronn/Jerome Flynn, and it's those things that I liked in The Hound. The bad boys and the mostly-good guys (Tyrion, Arya), the actors get to spread their wings more. For whatever reason, the characters that are a bit closer to pure, like Jon Snow or Daenerys, they don't get to exhibit as much depth. (Sorry, Keri! Daenerys' development was awesome in S1, after that she's isn't given much emotional range.)
Posted 8 years ago
Haha I agree to be honest. Although I like Daenerys' look and think she is a cool character, she is not my favourite. I don't even know who my favourite is actually, there are so many! Off the top of my head, in no particular order...

- Tyrion
- Khal Drogo
- Jamie
- Brienne
- The Hound
- Prince Oberyn

Agree also that Bronn is a great character. When I first saw Jerome Flynn in the series, all I could think of was "Unchained Melody" and "Up on the Roof" lol - Was thinking..... Oh dear! But no, he is very good, great actor!
Posted 8 years ago

Posted 8 years ago
Ah that was great Keri, ty for the scene!

I don't think I posted this here before, it's Jon Snow vs...everything

Posted 8 years ago*

Some of my favorite moments. Strange selection in the show full of great fight scenes, beautiful women and dragons, but I'm a sucker for good story, great dialogue and some drama. Also, if I had to prove to someone that the TV show is, in fact, better than the books (in my opinion of course, those things are actually impossible to quantify) I'd start with those clips.
Posted 8 years ago
Some great scenes there @MattVIP - Loved the Tywin/Arya one.

So who is staying up till 2am UK on Monday morning? Laugh I will likely just watch the 9 o clock showing myself as I will have an early start. Hyped though!

Some more scenes...

Posted 8 years ago
I wonder what are your thought's about the season premiere. We got a pretty big payoff with Brienne and Sansa (God knows this show doesn't have many of those, so much so that at the beginning of the scene I was convinced Sansa would be captured again...). The dornish storyline that was arguably the weakest part of the last season finally got some momentum. I feel like we got a good mix of set-ups and resolutions and I'm excited for the future episodes.
Posted 8 years ago
First episode of a new season is always tough, as every character gets 5 minutes to remind us where they are, plot-wise, so it's pretty disjointed. But idk, Dorne still seems like a mess of a thread, I'm so done with Arya's time-out in Braavos, god they're gonna give us Bran next week.....

IMHO the show always did two things well: the big-ass battle scenes, and 1-1 dialogue, where their amazing actors can shine. Going way back to King Robert and Cercei, to all the buddy road trips (Jaime and Brienne, Arya and the Hound, Tyrion and anyone), even minor characters were excellent in these spots (Ser Barristan w/ Daenerys before getting killed, Syrio, again before getting killed.) Tywin's speeches, Varys' stories, Oleanna sparring with everyone. Now that everyone is scattered all over the place, we've lost this. That's what makes me so sad about Arya's arc. She was (with Tyrion) my favorite character in season 1, and the actress was/is amazing, she held her own with every actor she was paired with. Now there's nobody for her to talk to.

I know this is all in the books, so I don't blame the showrunners; I'm kinda done with the books too. Though apparently so is GRRM. Wink

I'm certainly in for at least a few episodes, so we'll see what magic is left.
Posted 8 years ago
Well I think Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire is a bit overhyped as a whole (which I've learned the hard way by reading books four and five), but the showrunners managed to make the show reasonably tight so far which is no small feat even when we include all the missteps (like weird out of the left field Worm and Missandei stuff, two unnecessary rape scenes etc.). Because of that, I'll stay with the show to the end.

Posted 8 years ago
i agree that overall the show has done a great job of cutting out all the stuff that if GRRM had an editor, never would've made it into the books in the first place. But even with that, the plot(s) have strayed so far away from each other. Books 4 and 5, I could barely skim-read them.
Posted 8 years ago
I enjoyed episode 1. As you said @CycleVancouver they need to try and squeeze in every character and give a brief rundown of whats happening now and I think they did a good job of that. An interesting end lol. Although the title of the episode "The Red Woman" had me hoping Jon Snows resurrection would take place, next episode maybe? Its going to happen though right? It had better or my guess on what happens later is totally incorrect!