PLO Glory!!

Posted 9 years ago

So, my name is Alex and I used to be (and still are but with much less volume) an mtt and mtsng player. Even though I love mtt's and there is no better feeling winning one they are too much time consuming and for a married man with a kid and a 9-5 job it's kind hard to put the nessesery volume needed.
Anyway, for some time now I'm in the PLO buisness and spent much time studying the game wich is a WONDERFUL game and it got me back in love with the card games!
Saw that there is not much content on this great site about PLO and since I joined I thought I would creat a thread to keep a log of my PLO journey and of course to interact with other players about hands and strategies.
I play at PS plo2 - plo10 zoom and while grinding I usually have an mtt open too when got time.....(old habbits) Cheeky
Will post hands, pics and other stuff outside of poker to keep this thread interesting. Hope others will join and dive into the magic world of PLO!!!

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Posted 9 years ago
About time we got some PLO sickos in the mix. Totally pumped for this and will be following it with interest.

Your right about MTTs being to time consuming but it;s always nice to maybe make a day where you can grind them and that be your rest day or something like that.

Are the PLO fields constantly growing? The game seemed to have a huge boom about 12-24 months ago did it ever die down?
Posted 9 years ago
It's getting ultra popular!!! The fact is that the online nl cash games no longer attract the recreational players because of the big number of sharks and the PLO gives them the action they ''need''. After all at PLO even bad players win from time to time and they have the feeling that they are winning players so keep coming back for more!! Laugh
It was unpopular because there were no promotions and zero exposure but now it's different and there are more famous players showing the game!!
Posted 9 years ago
So had a small session today.....(didn't have much time) and it was ok but my poker tracker messed up sent email to support.
anyway have some hands on boom so....Hand#1
since I got the blockers for top sets and he bets pot on the turn I putted him on a 2 pairt&flush draw hand since his bet showed that he wanted the pot right there at the spot. so when the river hits I was pretty sure i had him beat and that's why i called. If a spade would hit of course.....then I would def. fold.
Any pointers??

It was a low SPR situration and that's why I called never fold at that spot......lucky!!

And here is a fun play.....that guy just wanted to give away his chips and I was at the right place at the right time..... Laugh

As soon as my PT will run normally again will post graphs and etc too.
Posted 9 years ago
outof50c: It's getting ultra popular!!! The fact is that the online nl cash games no longer attract the recreational players because of the big number of sharks and the PLO gives them the action they ''need''. After all at PLO even bad players win from time to time and they have the feeling that they are winning players so keep coming back for more!! Laugh
It was unpopular because there were no promotions and zero exposure but now it's different and there are more famous players showing the game!!

Did the traffic slump when spin and gos were introduced? Feel like a lot of the gamblers who sat at PLO may now just go there instead.
Posted 9 years ago
outof50c: So had a small session today.....(didn't have much time) and it was ok but my poker tracker messed up sent email to support.
anyway have some hands on boom so....Hand#1
since I got the blockers for top sets and he bets pot on the turn I putted him on a 2 pairt&flush draw hand since his bet showed that he wanted the pot right there at the spot. so when the river hits I was pretty sure i had him beat and that's why i called. If a spade would hit of course.....then I would def. fold.
Any pointers??

It was a low SPR situration and that's why I called never fold at that spot......lucky!!

And here is a fun play.....that guy just wanted to give away his chips and I was at the right place at the right time..... Laugh

As soon as my PT will run normally again will post graphs and etc too.

Dem games look soft bro!

Hand 1: Would it ever be good for us to just jam this turn? What is our equity vs the straight (which we block) and have outs vs to both win and chop.

Hand 2: WOW mbn
Posted 9 years ago
Well for Hand#1 my equity vs straight is terrible if that guy had 98 in his hand I only have like 15% equity.....the river of course was a lucky one since it was no spade and complete the win/chop straight......So if I jam the turn right there and get called I'm almost always behind....
Posted 9 years ago
outof50c: It's getting ultra popular!!! The fact is that the online nl cash games no longer attract the recreational players because of the big number of sharks and the PLO gives them the action they ''need''. After all at PLO even bad players win from time to time and they have the feeling that they are winning players so keep coming back for more!! Laugh
It was unpopular because there were no promotions and zero exposure but now it's different and there are more famous players showing the game!!

Did the traffic slump when spin and gos were introduced? Feel like a lot of the gamblers who sat at PLO may now just go there instead.

You are right but then again the spin n go's drew players from all form of cash tables nl and plo.....I just think that the plo is getting the attention it deserves latetly and is the game of the future according to some great PLO players.....hope they are right and we'll have a PLO boom and where is a boom there is money to be made..... Cheeky
Posted 9 years ago
outof50c: Well for Hand#1 my equity vs straight is terrible if that guy had 98 in his hand I only have like 15% equity.....the river of course was a lucky one since it was no spade and complete the win/chop straight......So if I jam the turn right there and get called I'm almost always behind....

Ah ok fair enough! Newbie at PLO.

Whats the best training content out there for PLO?
Posted 9 years ago
RunitOnce is the best in my opinion....Phil Galfond is the Master of PLO. I got an Essential account there and they got some really great stuff!!
Ultimate training soft is PokerJuice but to expensive for me right soon as I get some cash to my hands I'll get it cuz it's an amazing tool to get your game to the next level.....
Posted 9 years ago*
Ok, another day of grind....even though not as much as I wanted.....It would be a losing session but thanks to some nice hand at the end I managed to break even......|-(
Have some hands where I know I didn't play them right but........don't know the reason....hahaha so any opinion counts guys.....

At this hand normaly I shouldn't stack off with just a draw but thought that since his hands are Broadway cards or AAxx my hand is live and with my reraise maybe he will fold since that board is way off his range and a 3 bet should tell him that he is behind......

First thought was that we were in same kind of hand and with my reraise maybe he folds.....Would it be better if I call the turn and if it's a blank shove then and if I get my draw bet 2/3 of the pot??? is a ''nice'' hand! (i'm so proud that I didn't tilt at all)

No words about that guy.......noted him though.... Laugh

Oh! and while I was grinding PLO.....this happend -
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But unfortunatly lost 9th......lost a classic race......AK vs JJ......anyway it was nice though a FT after some time....hope for another one soon.....

Posted 9 years ago
good luck
Posted 9 years ago
Hand 1 oky its low SPR so you can push it... but in a 4way pot you can be behind from sets and maybe 89TJ, 89JQ,... even if you block 9 its possible that someone have it...

Hand 2 Im folding the flop... Its 3way no-one will raise you on board like this withou str8 (if there is still SB in the game) even against sets youre far behind. i guess you had here arround 9% because of bacdoor flushes and fullhouses...

Hand 3 Do you use omaha manager or pt4 for omaha? Why did you squeeze with those kings? Flop i would cbet pot and stick it in if someone raise me or put it in OTT.

Posted 8 years ago
Ok, so I'm back......haven't posting much cuz had lots of stuff going on plus capital controls here in Greece and poker was not an option. But know that everything is in order I'll start the grind at the so much beloved PLO tables!!! As they annanouced today they will ''unlock'' the system and will allow us to have transactions with non-domestic companies so I will be able to start playing again.
Was happy to see that Kyyberi signed up to this great forum so defenetly will book some hours for coaching. Hope to make this thread interesting and enjoable.
Posted 8 years ago
outof50c: Ok, so I'm back......haven't posting much cuz had lots of stuff going on plus capital controls here in Greece and poker was not an option. But know that everything is in order I'll start the grind at the so much beloved PLO tables!!! As they annanouced today they will ''unlock'' the system and will allow us to have transactions with non-domestic companies so I will be able to start playing again.
Was happy to see that Kyyberi signed up to this great forum so defenetly will book some hours for coaching. Hope to make this thread interesting and enjoable.

Awesome to have you back and congrats on being allowed to once again :). Yeh was going to say it is a nice time to comeback as we have a new PLO coach and let me tell you his first video is fantastic and will be launched shortly. How do you know him btw?
Posted 8 years ago
From I'm a member there because they do live public coachings and it was a great way to see a good player live. Then asked him to coach me but had to finish a stake I had for mtt's from a friend and by the time I was done with the mtt's Capital Controls hitted Greece so I was blocked. In the next few will be able to play online again so will contact him for coaching soon.

Good work for signing him up to the team!
Posted 8 years ago
Now all we need is more PLO players, right? Smile

Was every player in Greece blocked for some time?
Posted 8 years ago
Hell yeh more PLO players ftw! Something i have been wanting on the site for a long time. I have spoke with @Kyyberi this weekend and he will be producing 2-4 videos per month for us which i couldn't be any happier about. I loved his river model video and can't wait to learn more about this nlh + 2 cards game you crazy kids play!
Posted 8 years ago
I'm also really glad we're getting more PLO content. Recently I started re-learning Omaha and I have to say that I enjoy it more than Holdem.
Posted 8 years ago
When you see JNandez crushing PLO500 zoom for 14 bb/100 in 200k hand sample, you gotta lean towards learning this game. I'm also in for more PLO content, especially smth that helps with transition from NLHE to PLO.