Unibet signup

Posted 8 years ago

Hey, just signed up on Unibet thru the PokerVIP CA deals, and support is saying I don't get any free money if I'm in Canada. Supposed to be 10 lbs, right ?
Her name was Simona.

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Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago*
Can I not get a reply to this please ?

Is it because it's not in the right spot ?
I could not see a Unibet or other applicable thread.
Posted 8 years ago
Hi @Kashclicks

Unfortunately the free £10 offer is only available to the countries listed here.So being from Canada, you are not eligible for this promotion, sorry!

Are you on Skype? If so, let me know your add and we can have a chat about your options for free money? Let me know Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Give me strength, it's right there marked as a Canada deal. Do I have to show you what is on the website of VIP ?

Posted 8 years ago
Please click the link on my previous post, it states which countries are eligible for this promotion on the deals page.
Posted 8 years ago
Yes it does say that, but it also says 10 pounds free under the Canadian offers.
Did you click on the link I showed ? wtf
How does that make it right or make any sense ?
You've got conflicting information in two different spots, and then you play the iggy about it, oh look and see what it says ?
I see this time and time again here, why should I be bothered to type all this and show you what is on your own damn website ? Good god !
Posted 8 years ago
I understand your frustration, but it clearly states on the bullet point that only certain countries are eligible.

Please appreciate we have 30 plus deals and there are almost 200 countries in the world. Most deals are changing on a monthly basis and as such its unfeasible that every deal has its own completely unique text for every country.

You have always had the option to discuss other alternatives with our support team via live chat, email or Skype.

I am sorry there is nothing we can do in this instance. The terms are dictated by Unibet and its fair to say that our deals are outlined in a very transparent manner when compared with other competing sites.
Posted 8 years ago
Transparent manner ? You've got conflicting information in two different spots !

Whatever, not worth rehashing anymore, what else would I expect to hear ?
Posted 8 years ago
Trying to ADD Unibet account on my dashboard, to be in the March promo, does not like my username kashclicks no matter how differently I spell it, says it is already in use.
Posted 8 years ago*
Hi @Kashclicks

You need to enter your exact login name for Unibet, this is the unique identifier on the account that tracks the rake. If you are still having issues, let me know.

Posted 8 years ago
""User ID "Kashclicks" already exist""

I get this no matter if I spell it with a capital K or a small k.
Posted 8 years ago
Ok if that is definitely your Unibet login name, then this means that the account for Unibet has been added already to another dashboard. Do you have any other accounts with PokerVIP that you maybe uploaded it to?
Posted 8 years ago
No other PokerVIP accts
Posted 8 years ago
Further galling to all of this is that not only do I not get the 10 pounds that was clearly in the Canadian deals section,
and I go ahead and start playing on Unibet, winning some money from freerolls,
then I make a deposit yesterday, only 25 euros,
then today I log onto PokerVIP and there is a pop-up down the bottom right of the screen, to get a $ 20 bankroll !
so I click on it and it says to check my e-mail,
so I do and, it says:

"If you're from anywhere else in the World

Sign up to Unibet Poker, make a deposit of $20 and take a screenshot of your deposit page.

Reply to this email with your screenshot attached, and let us know your Skrill or Paypal account details - We'll send you the money immediately."

So is this all just a dream, or is it really true, I am going to get nothing out of this ? no free bankroll, no deposit bonus ?

no 10 lbs. ? no $ 20 ?


I'll be lucky if I can just get tracked for the top 500.

Oh and sorry, I've no comments on the mixed marshall arts, or whatever you call the barbarianism.
Posted 8 years ago
As with any promotion, there are always terms and conditions and the deal bullet clearly stated that the free 10 Euros was for certain countries only.

There are other options for you to get a free bankroll. We are offering you free money to play poker, Unibet just happens to be one of the options, but feel free to take the money on another room.

You did not receive a first deposit bonus on Unibet? Did you contact their support and ask why?
Posted 8 years ago
You keep refusing to admit that the free 10 pounds was listed under the Canadian deals, which it WAS.

And now it looks like you are saying that no, I cannot get the free $20 as I deposited 1 day before you sent me the pop-up/e-mail offer.

Yes, of course I contacted Unibet support, and they told me there was NO 1st/initial deposit bonus, and then asked me if there was anything else they could help me with, lol.

I do not know what it is that either you or them feel that you have helped with.

Posted 8 years ago
"User ID "Kashclicks" already exist"

Still unable to add Unibet as a new room so I could get my rake tracked for the top 500.
Posted 8 years ago*
I did not deny it was on the deals page for Canada. I showed you the screen shot which clearly shows the information on that page. It is the same for every country for our Unibet deal. As stated previously it would be a very difficult task to keep on top of. We have around 30 poker rooms each accepting mostly near 200 countries. To edit each deal individually for each country would make the task of keeping them up to date near on impossible, but the information is there, that is what the information bubbles are there for.

The free £10 is a promotion run by Unibet. The free $20 we are offering you via email is a promotion we are running and we are offering it across multiple rooms, not only on Unibet. As I said, feel free to use it on another room.

You should have received a first deposit bonus with the Unibet deal, so PM me your login name + email and I will try to get it credited for you.

In regards to your screen name on your dashboard, can you confirm that the data is definitely not already there on your dashboard under poker rooms? Please double check.
Posted 8 years ago
No Unibet is not listed on my dashboard under my rooms.

So you are saying that I cannot get the $ 20 for depositing on Unibet, as you sent me the offer just after I deposited ?

You are also admitting that the erronious information regarding the free 10 lbs was on the Canadian page, but I cannot get that either.

You also have no problem restating all of this in many similar ways, but always interpreting it to your advantage.

Meanwhile the sign-up stands whilst you-all continue to receive your cuts, whilst doing all of this dancing when you get a spare moment.