
NLHE Expert at

1 Videos0 Articles Since 2017

We are Prostaker. A staking company that was formed in 2007. We have helped players trough the ranks for 10 years now. Many of the top players from Sweden like AllinAnna, ISILDRooN and many many more have gone trough our program on their way to the top of online poker.

Nicklas Antonsson is the manager and lowstakes NL/PLO coach. He's been coaching over 100 students on these stakes since he joined as manager in 2011. 

For mid/highstakes we keep an updated stable of coaches that plays in the toughest games there is today. 

Johan, our PLO coach is playing PLO500 ZOOM and have over 4bb/100 in over 1M hands on pokerstars,

In texas we have Jesper that plays 25/50 regularly. He excels at both NL and PLO. With 10 years experience as an online professional he knows everything it takes to beat the mid/highstakes.

Except for the excellent personal coaching that these coaches provide, Prostaker is known for taking in guest coaches/speakers such as ISILDRooN and Jared Tendler for group coachings and seminars.

For more Info please visit

Six MaxPLOMicro
PLO Cash Game Coaching With ProStaker

Are you a fan of PLO? If so then this video is perfect for you! Our staking partner ProStaker review a two table session...

ProStaker 7,931 Views on 14/3/17