Here are some tips and techniques that can help you maintain a healthy and optimized poker mindset
Mark Patrickson• 2,511 Views • on 5/7/23
Poker Mental Game & Planning - Learn how to crush the psychological aspect of poker through our strategy articles.
Here are some tips and techniques that can help you maintain a healthy and optimized poker mindset
Mark Patrickson• 2,511 Views • on 5/7/23
In this article, we'll explore the topic of bankroll management in poker, and examine the question of how big of a bankroll you need to play poker for a living
Mark Patrickson• 9,327 Views • on 7/6/23
Which mindset flaw is most likely to leave a player screaming in anguish?
Mark Patrickson• 2,965 Views • on 31/5/23
We’ve had a look at what we consider the three that are most useful in our everyday lives
Mark Patrickson• 3,317 Views • on 24/5/23
Let’s take a look at some of the differences between the two games and try to understand better who should play each one
Mark Patrickson• 7,746 Views • on 4/5/23
In this article, we're going to discuss the benefits of intermittent fasting and explain how to include it in your own poker routine
Matt VIP• 10,218 Views • on 21/9/21
In this article, we're going to discuss how much the uncertainty is affecting your brain
Matt VIP• 8,378 Views • on 16/9/21
Let’s take a look at some of the most important differences that you must be aware of when switching to live play
Mark Patrickson• 9,254 Views • on 21/8/20
Here are some tips and tricks for making sure you get the most out of your time spent in the lab
Mark Patrickson• 7,879 Views • on 14/8/20
Let’s take a look at some suggestions for keeping in decent physical and mental shape while the coronavirus pandemic situation is brought under control
Mark Patrickson• 5,970 Views • on 10/4/20
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