Poker Mental Game & Planning

Poker Mental Game & Planning - Learn how to crush the psychological aspect of poker through our strategy articles.

189 Articles

Poker Mental Game & PlanningBuying a Laptop for Poker in 2018

In this article we're going to discuss the subject of buying a laptop for poker in 2018.

Matt VIP 20,913 Views on 24/4/18

Poker Mental Game & Planning6 Ways of Increasing Willpower for Poker Players

In this article, we're going to present you with six different methods that you can use to ensure that you never run out of that precious willpower.

Matt VIP 6,593 Views on 2/4/18

Poker Mental Game & Planning7 Signs That You're Playing Too Much Poker

Some players have a tendency to overdo it when it comes to playing poker and in this article, we'll talk about some telltale signs that might suggest you are one of them.

Matt VIP 8,402 Views on 26/3/18

Poker Mental Game & PlanningDownswings and Learned Helplessness

Learned helplessness is a reason why many poker players fail and in this article, we're going to shed more light on this issue.

Matt VIP 6,180 Views on 19/3/18

Poker Mental Game & PlanningMental Preparation Before a Lengthy Online Poker Session

Emotional control and mental preparation become the factors that determine success.

PokerVIP Coaching 5,376 Views on 12/3/18

Poker Mental Game & PlanningAngle Shooting in Live and Online Poker

We should always be mindful of the ways our opponents might want to bend the rules to their advantage.

Matt VIP 6,732 Views on 5/3/18

Poker Mental Game & PlanningMindset Blueprint - Phil Galfond

"OMGClayAiken's" unique mindset coupled with his love for the game, completely changed the way people learn how to play high-level poker.

Matt VIP 8,350 Views on 26/2/18

Poker Mental Game & PlanningTop 5 Poker Mindset Hacks

Here's the list of a few important mindset hacks that you can start utilizing today without reading countless books on the subject.

Matt VIP 9,960 Views on 12/2/18

Poker Mental Game & PlanningA Professional Approach To Poker

Being a poker professional is not some sort of a lifetime achievement award or a checkbox to tick, it's a framework that allows us to achieve things in poker.

Matt VIP 7,419 Views on 9/2/18

Poker Mental Game & PlanningMinimalism in Poker

We could all do with a bit more minimalism in our approach to poker and in this article we're going to discuss this idea in a bit more detail.

Matt VIP 5,960 Views on 5/2/18