Take these three steps and make October 2016 the moment you take action to catapult your poker game to heights you never thought possible.
PokerVIP Coaching• 9,387 Views • on 5/10/16
Poker Mental Game & Planning - Learn how to crush the psychological aspect of poker through our strategy articles.
Take these three steps and make October 2016 the moment you take action to catapult your poker game to heights you never thought possible.
PokerVIP Coaching• 9,387 Views • on 5/10/16
While calling poker players 'athletes' might be pushing the term a bit, there are certainly some parallels, namely the fact that training is an absolutely essential part of poker lifestyle.
Matt VIP• 12,552 Views • on 26/9/16
Unlike some other notable pros, who almost never share their strategic approach with the rest of the poker world Phil made a thriving business out of teaching other poker enthusiasts how to become good at playing cards.
Matt VIP• 12,532 Views • on 15/9/16
Patrik rarely talks about his poker strategy and in order to figure out what made it so successful we're going to take a look at some interesting hands from Antonius's career.
Matt VIP• 16,522 Views • on 12/9/16
In this article, we're going to talk about a recently funded project that has the potential to change that trend and impact the poker world in a very interesting way.
Matt VIP• 8,803 Views • on 8/9/16
In this article, we're going to take a closer look at the work of two brilliant scientist Robert M. Yerkes and John Dillingham Dodson whose work revolutionized the field of behavioral psychology.
Matt VIP• 14,934 Views • on 5/9/16
Having a few pairs of eyes reviewing your play in real time can do wonders for improving your poker play.
Matt VIP• 10,090 Views • on 22/8/16
The question is: why would you want to straddle? And also, how should you play ‘straddled hands’? Let’s look at a few points….
PokerVIP Coaching• 9,858 Views • on 22/8/16
Time Management Matrix by Stephen Covey provides a unique tool that can maximize your poker efficiency on a daily basis.
Matt VIP• 11,204 Views • on 17/8/16
The more hands of poker that you play, the more beats you will experience and these lows, as well as the highs of being a winning player, all cause emotional changes that need managing.
PokerVIP Coaching• 17,117 Views • on 12/8/16
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