Feeling Good - Making Progress.

Posted 7 years ago

Hi All,

I'm still finding my way around PokerVIP. So many questions I have about this website, Like the design is pretty flawless I would imagine a big investment has went into getting this (bad boy running). < That would be a good screen name. Laugh

Hats off to the owners and all of the coaches, who are the creators? Who owns this well oiled machine?

Anyways I introduced myself last week which got me thinking about using this site as a blog. Not exactly too sure if this is encouraged? Am I doing the right thing by creating a new thread? Punish me later If I am not following suit here an apologizes if I am not, slap my arse and call me sally.

The Negative:
Party Poker Played 4601 hands what an absolute night mare, A piece of me hole... to say the least.
- Fuck all Dollar bill back on the rakeback?
- Bingo Poker at its highest form - too many bad beats.
- Time outs on tables and not been able to join back a table for 10 Minutes? - Shower of absolute bastards. That pissed me right off.
- HUD data inaccurate due to player ID not been displayed
All of this lead me to playing poorly and I lost my €10 deposit with a €10 euro Bonus and I re-bought for €10 and lost that as well. 20 quid down. Sad The great depression came and I was forced to sit on the naughty step for 3 days before I could re-invest my hard earned dole money. (Gotta love the freeloaders) Wink

The Positive:
- I setup a new account with PP and... Got a rakeback Deal! Entered a tournie last night and came 3rd and cashed for €57. My preflop JJ all in got called by another deepstack with KQ off. - He Rivered me. Sad

- Had some success with cash as well and my bankroll is now at €80!! (Get in there) That's about 8 re-buys for me so as you can imagine I'm feeling like this big boss right now.

Can anybody tell me are cash players better then Tournament players? I done alright last night playing High, Medium and low stacked! Lady luck obviously siding with me in certain low stack 18-25BB all ins.

Delighted to be back over on IPoker, I chose PP because they have the retail shops which allows me to use a PP cash card so I can use this service like an ATM for withdrawals which is a very handy option to have!
I noticed most of the big bosses on here use Coral - Assuming this is the better rakeback deal?

Where do I go from here:
With my $1.90 Rakeback and €80 Bankroll. The sky feels like the limit.
However in the realistic part of my mind I'm like right, need to grind this out at the micros, get a lot more flush so I can hire a poker coach buy a Panda and hang out with Phil Ivey for a few days. Laugh

The only thing about IPoker is that most of its players are European.. with no actual statistical information that backs up this next question.

Why do I get the impression that European players are tighter then American/Canadian?
I've noticed that it is mainly the tighter players that are playing during the day and if my memory serves me correctly based on some of the coaches advice on here, it is advised to not play too many hands with these sort of players. Would I be better putting in my volume at the later hours where there is a higher demographic of looser players? hmmm

Eager to learn more on Huds and Stats I watched StewieStags video "Poker HUD Stats: Explained". This was very helpful content! I copied my PT4 HUD to match and took a rake load of notes which I plan to use in my sessions over the next few days.

I still haven't made any poker mates which means that I've started talking to myself a lil bit.
I have an imaginary friend. Says his name is frank...So me and Frank are talking through hands exchanging player information and double barreling hot motts on Tinder. SpeechlessLaugh

Me and Frank are gonna hit the gym now and have primitive conversations in the Sauna.

Hope you's are all smashing it!!

Talk to you's later! Wink


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago*
Hey @JDfella

Firstly a huge welcome to PokerVIP, glad to have you on board! Hi

My name is Keri and I work support here for PokerVIP, so if you ever need anything at all feel free to drop me a PM or add me on Skype on Keri.PokerVIP.

The site is owned by 180Vita and the man behind it all is @Jamie who I am sure will be pleased to read your kind words.

As for the poker.... Yes it is very encouraged to create a blog. You can do so here in the My Poker Journey section of the forums.

Best thing you can do to improve your game is just get involved here, post hands to the Line checks/HH Reviews/Stat Analysis section, watch coaching videos, read articles, take the courses and just generally chat to other players.

What country are you from by the way? Let me know and I would be happy to recommend you some rooms. Smile
Posted 7 years ago
Hi @CrazyKeri

Thanks for the warm welcome and helpful response, this is exactly what I was looking for a few pointers in the right direction! I'll be sure to check out those links over the next couple of hours. I'm from Dublin, Ireland. What about you?

& Thank you @Jamie for having the balls to put somthing like this together! The coaching modules and community forums are just flawless!

- JD

Posted 7 years ago*
Hey @JDfella

Do you have a Sky account at all? If not I would suggest you check it out. This site is one of the softest available for players from UK and Ireland and we have the best deal there. I've been playing there for years and always go back!

If you do definitely want flat rakeback then yes Coral is a good shout. Also Betvictor on Microgaming will get you some good rakeback.

My recommendation for these stakes though will always be the softer sites. The rakeback is so small you are much better off going where the better action is to make a profit and build a bankroll. Sites like Sky, Unibet,Natural and Tiger all come top for me.

If you want any help getting set up at all, just drop me a PM
Posted 7 years ago
Hi @CrazyKeriLaugh
Cheers for the advice I've read that sky don't allow trackers and I'm hoping to get as much experience using Huds and tracking my own stats.
I'm not doing too good on IPoker I need to tighten up with value and stop chasing down pots.

Serious work to be done on my tilt factor.
Your right though I'm not getting enough consistent action at those stakes on IPoker.

After 1800 hands. BB/100= - 43.67 SpeechlessDoh!
It's back to the drawing board for me for a few days.