Blizzy PokerVIP

NLHE Expert at

4 Videos4 Articles Since 2015

Blizzy is a PokerVIP member and friend of the website who would like to keep his real identity anonymous. He's not a professional poker player, but loves to gamble and play recreationally. We've made an agreement with Blizzy where he's allowed us to review his thrilling high-stakes online sessions at Sky Poker - The room of his choice. 

Check out his videos at the top right of this page.

You can watch Blizzy's High Stakes Swing videos right here on PokerVIP, with commentary from PokerVIP head coach Jon Lundy.

The only information we can reveal about 'Blizzy' is that he's from the UK and his career is offshore on the oil rigs where he earns good money and his time to play poker. We couldn't pass up the opportunity of sharing his crazy action on PokerVIP, and we hope you enjoy it.
Six MaxNLHEHigh
High Stakes Swings with Blizzy - £400NL to £1000NL

'High Stakes Swings with Blizzy' is a new video series on Sky Poker featuring Mid to High Stakes Gameplay. Jon commentat...

Blizzy PokerVIP 8,571 Views on 13/1/15

Maximize Your Poker EarningsWhy Is Poker One of the Most Popular Casino Games

Embark on the captivating journey of poker, a magnum opus in the casino world, blending skill, psychology, and historical depth. Dive into the intricate narrative of mastery, serendipity, and a vibrant social tableau that awaits as you step into the world of poker.

Blizzy PokerVIP 657 Views on 17/1/24