Poker Mental Game & Planning

Poker Mental Game & Planning - Learn how to crush the psychological aspect of poker through our strategy articles.

189 Articles

Poker Mental Game & PlanningHow to Get in the Zone and Play Your Best Poker

Get in the zone and experience an increased level of focus. The opposite of tilt is playing poker in the zone - learn how to accomplish this so you are always on your A game.

Adam Jones 17,970 Views on 3/9/15

Poker Mental Game & PlanningMake Your Poker Setup More Ergonomic [Infographic]

When grinding poker on the computer for extended periods of time, it's important to consider your longterm health and have an ergonomic desk setup.

Jon PokerVIP 18,429 Views on 3/9/15

Poker Mental Game & PlanningGuide to PC Hardware for Poker

If you're in the market for a new computer, check out our guide on PC hardware for playing poker online.

PokerVIP Coaching 10,104 Views on 1/9/15

Poker Mental Game & PlanningPokerVIP's Best Poker Blogs to Follow

If you're looking for the best poker blogs to follow for strategy talk, entertainment, or anecdotal experience, check out our top list.

Jon PokerVIP 13,152 Views on 1/9/15

Poker Mental Game & PlanningLive Poker Tells and How to Mask Them

Don't want to give away valuable information at the tables? Consider masking your live poker tells. First you need to learn about them and how to identify yours!

Adam Jones 11,393 Views on 31/8/15

Poker Mental Game & PlanningHow to Become a Professional Poker Player

Learn how to become a professional poker player for a living! Learn the basics and get tips to have you playing like a full-time poker pro in no time.

Jon PokerVIP 19,924 Views on 19/8/15

Poker Mental Game & PlanningCreating An Off-Table Plan For Poker

Poker planning away from the tables is very important for your long-term success at the tables. Figuring out your schedule, your bankroll, setting up your poker goals and life goals will help you be the best you can be. While it can sometimes be hard to align all these things, putting in extra effort to do it will be well worth it.

Adam Jones 10,547 Views on 14/5/15

Poker Mental Game & PlanningTilt in Poker - 7 Unknown Factors: Part 3

Final part of the unknown factors of tilt in poker, talking about the final factor and, finally, moving on to the best practices to handle and remove these distractions and move your mental game to the next level. Not even the best are immune to tilt and constantly working on your mental state is very important step on your road to becoming as tilt-free as you can be.

8,723 Views on 1/5/15

Poker Mental Game & PlanningTilt in Poker - 7 Unknown Factors: Part 2

Part 2 of our 'Tilt in Poker' series covers some other less known key issues, including stress and depression. Stress that gets built up because your other obligations / commitments like school or work can easily influence your poker game; depression can have even worse overall effects so you will do yourself a favor to detect and remove these bad influences as soon as possible.

9,502 Views on 30/4/15

Poker Mental Game & PlanningTilt in Poker - 7 Unknown Factors: Part 1

The impact of Tilt in Poker is often severely underrated. And tilt doesn't just refer to the times when you call All-In pre-flop with Pocket 10s on a hunch. In fact, it can sometimes be so subtle that you don't even notice it unless you are really paying attention to what is going on. These are some things that can influence you and that you perhaps didn't even know about.

13,154 Views on 28/4/15